IPRF income report – Issue the document in the Caixa app


The time has come to face the lion, and it takes the income report, IPRF, in order to fulfill our duties as a citizen and also to avoid future inconveniences with the Federal Revenue Service, therefore, we need to pay attention to the details when filling out our income tax return.

O income report, IPRF, needs to be studied in detail, to be able to make a statement correctly, coherently and quickly, with the arrival in the application, this task can become much easier and much faster to carry out, certainly this application arrived at a good time.

In the Caixa application, it is possible to issue the income report, IPRF, thus facilitating the completion of the entire process, it is worth remembering that in the past to make your income tax return was really a "God help us", because everything was very bureaucratic and everything was done on paper.

Image: (Google) IPRF income report

Income Report Box Application, IPRF

Caixa provides income information to users through the application, it is worth remembering that this was already done through internet banking. In this case, the document will show all the income that was received by the user of the account in question, in this way it is easier to make your income tax return.

In order for the user to be able to access the income report in his Caixa Econômica Federal account, he must follow the same path that is done on the website, that is, it is all very quick and easy to do, it is worth remembering that to users who are not used to working with numbers on digital platforms, the tip is to look for an expert.


In this way, the taxpayer in question can avoid a series of problems arising from a badly made, incomplete personal income tax return, or even extrapolate the delivery deadline, the application really facilitates the whole process, but it is necessary to have a basic knowledge about the statement.

How to access income information, IPRF in the Caixa application

  •  First, the taxpayer must access their account through the application.
  •  Then you need to login. 
  • When the application opens, click on the option “my account”
  • Then a menu titled “statements” will open, you need to click on it and then on “informe income IRPF”
  •  A message then opens, informing whether the account has been transferred to a branch other than Caixa, in which case the user will need to make the request in person.
  •  Now you need to click on Ok, this way your document will be opened automatically.

declaration tips

In the case of the individual income tax return for the year 2021, it is necessary to pay attention to some details such as the deadline for delivery, deductible expenses, and also have complete access to the income statement for the current year so that a statement can be made. statement completely correct.

In recent years, with the arrival of the internet, the process has become popular and many taxpayers have begun to make their own income tax returns, and with each passing year, the platform becomes more nutritious and more user-friendly, that is, easier to use. operate and understand the whole process.

But it is necessary to make an alert, if the user does not have experience in making his own personal income tax return, the indication is to look for an accountant, or a qualified person so that all procedures can be carried out with clarity and dexterity. It is worth remembering that it is always good to avoid problems with the lion.

It is possible to donate part of the Income Tax

That's right, for users who already have the habit of making their own declarations, it is worth understanding a little about the main forms of tax transfers, that is, it is possible to make a transfer, a donation, without this bringing any harm to the taxpayer in question.


When the user has to deliver the declaration, that is, bearing in mind that the declaration is completely ready and duly completed, the user just needs to enter the donations tab, which is in the menu on the left side, then it is enough for the user to inform if it is a direct donation to an institution.

There is also the possibility for the taxpayer to donate part of the tax to cultural projects, in this case it is necessary to enter the donation menu, and inform the culture incentive law code, in this case the code number is 41, the whole system is automatic and the platform itself calculates the amount that can be donated.

How to download the app

If the user wants to access his income report through the application at the Caixa Econômica Federal bank, just download the Caixa application, which is available both for devices that use the Android system and for cell phones that use the iOS system.

Once the user has downloaded the official Caixa application, he just has to follow the step-by-step instructions described in this article to access the income report so that he can file his income tax return quickly and objectively.

For more app information and tips, as well as the hottest news from the tech world, visit our apps category. Good luck!