Carnê Leão 2021 how to fill it out?


Carnê Leão 2021 how to fill out? This is a very common question among users, as it takes a lot of attention to all the details to fill in the booklet correctly, so that you don't have any problems later due to errors in filling it out.

It is worth remembering that there are considerable changes that began to take effect from February of this year. The first change is that if the user wants to access the collection document, coming from individuals, the only way will be to do it online.

Carnê Leão 2021 how to fill out? We will see throughout this article all the details for filling it out correctly, it is necessary to be aware, as taxpayers will no longer and will no longer need to inform the amounts obtained from the Federal Revenue Service.

Carnê Leão 2021 how to fill out
Image: (Google) Carnê Leão 2021 how to fill in

Carnê Leão 2021 How to fill in – Details

In the case of the carne-leão, it is mandatory that taxpayers have received amounts that do not include any tax withheld at source, such as alimony, payments for services, rent, among others. This is a very important detail, stay tuned and follow the step by step.


We will see throughout this article how to understand all these changes, in addition to the deadlines and what is taxable and what is not taxable, and also understand a little about the sources. It's worth remembering that when it comes to taxes, responsibility is needed, and also if you don't know how to do it yourself, you need to hire a good professional.

The tips are the same as for the Income Tax, everything must be done carefully and accurately, to avoid headaches with government agencies, yes, it is possible to fill out the Leão 2021 booklet alone, as today there is a lot of information on the internet, in addition to of the tutorials that are very important.

Carnê Leão 2021 – How to fill it out online

  • First, you need to enter the e-CAC portal on the Federal Revenue website.
  • Now, you need to properly fill in all the fields with your CPF and your access code.
  • Now just enter your password and click on the option "continue".
  • For users who do not have an access code, registration is required.
  • Right after logging in, you need to click on the "my income tax" tab, which is on the left side.
  • Now access the services panel and go to the “declaration” option, then access “carnê-leão”.

Continuing step by step 

After successfully performing all the steps described above, it is now necessary to select some options that are respectively corresponding to the taxpayer, just click on “save”. On the next screen, you must choose the "identification" option that is in the menu on the left side.

Enter all the necessary information, such as your personal data, telephone number, PIS-PASEP number, and also dependents. The taxpayer must do exactly the same process when entering the "professional address" tab, and also the "occupation" tab.

When filling out this last option, you must choose an option that best suits those on the list, then click on “add”. Once this is done, it is very simple, just click on “save identification”. You have to be attentive to details so as not to do anything wrong.

Finishing the process

Now you need to enter the menu that is located on the left side of your screen, now go to the "income" tab, then click on the button with the "+ income" sign, so that you can properly place the relative information to the values received.


Then, you must click on the option corresponding to your income, you must then click on "self-employed worker", and then on other income, now you just need to fill in all the fields with the requested information, then click on "include performance".

Once this is done, if you want to print a document, just go to the menu on the left side and choose the option "demonstrative" in this option, you must go to the end of the open window, to access the option "payments-DAF, and now just click on the printer icon to have your document printed.

reviewing the process

Once you have duly filled in all the registration, and followed the step by step set out in this article, you can, before printing the document, choose to view or save it in PDF, in order to review everything and correct anything. if you need.

It is worth remembering that wrong data, or attempts to circumvent the system, are highly penalized by the government, for this very reason, you must be attentive to each data you mentioned in your carnê-leão, if you do not know how to carry out the process, the tip is hire a professional.

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