Mobility apps – Uber and 99 drivers have the same rights as taxi drivers


really the mobility apps, has saved many people, especially in this pandemic period, because, for many, this was the only way to have an income, so that they could fulfill their commitments, and take care of their family.

A very common doubt among new drivers is about the rights that app drivers have, especially with regard to the tax exemption that taxi drivers have, for example. We will see throughout this article some features.

The drivers of mobility apps, should be aware, as there is a proposal that is being discussed in the Senate, which provides that drivers do not need to pay taxes on industrialized products, that is, the IPI on vehicles, and also the IOF levied on financing.

mobility apps
Image: (Google) Mobility apps

Improvement for mobility app drivers

Another very interesting issue, which the project that is being discussed in the senate foresees, is the issue of drivers being able to use the bus lanes in large Brazilian metropolises, such as; São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, Goiânia, Florianópolis, among other capitals, where traffic flows better.


Another improvement that may address an old complaint from app drivers is that they will also be able to use the highly sought after taxi spaces. To be entitled to all these advantages, the driver needs to be registered on a transport platform.

It is also necessary that the car is owned, that is, it is in the name of the registered driver, and that it has been working for at least 24 months, that is, two years. For this very reason, it is necessary to be attentive to all the news and closely follow this project that is transmitting in the Brazilian Senate.

But project detail for mobility app driver

Law number 4437 of 2019 is being processed, if this law is passed, it will guarantee app drivers advantages very similar to those of taxi drivers, however, without the benefits that taxi drivers have, mainly tax benefits.

Currently, the text is already in the social affairs committee of our Senate, it is worth remembering that from 2019, it is already subject to evaluation. The project is awaiting an official opinion from the illustrious Senator Eduardo Gomes, in order to follow its normal course until approval.

If this project is fully approved, in a terminative way, the process will not go through the Senate, it should go directly to the camera, if it passes through the committees responsible for judging it. For this very reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the news regarding this release, but patience is needed. 

Is it possible to live well with Uber

This is an interesting question, as the alarming unemployment that plagues our country is really something never seen in the history of this country. For this very reason, the growth of app drivers in all Brazilian cities where the companies operate has been relevant.


For this very reason, many people end up searching Google for references about the salary of an application driver, that is, they want to know if they can invest in this career, it is worth remembering that despite being released in Brazil, it is a class that has few rights yet.

Now, many people think this way; “I'm unemployed, I don't have any income, I need to take care of my family, I'm going to finance a car and I'm going to work as an app driver and with the money I pay the installment and what's left I take care of my family.

app driver salary

This reasoning mentioned above seems to be quite logical, but, in practice, it is necessary to ask some questions at the tip of the pencil. In addition to car expenses, the driver will also pay insurance, to be properly protected from any problems with the car.

In this way, you really have to work a lot to be able to pay an installment of around r$ 1000 for a car and still pay for its insurance and maintenance, it is worth remembering that you still need considerable money to pay your bills.

The application driver who runs around 8 to 12 hours a day can have a net income of around r$ 2500, considering the payment of the vehicle installment as well as maintenance and also insurance, which is why it is necessary assess everything closely.


App driver in smaller cities

Another frequent doubt for new drivers is whether it is possible to earn considerable money driving in smaller cities, considering that the distances are smaller, and the demand is also much smaller, really the smaller the city, the smaller the gain, but also the smaller is the cost of living.

In the Brazilian capitals, it is possible to actually have a much higher income, as the flow of customers is very large, in addition to the distances being much greater, thus providing more profitable rides, however, the cost of living in the capitals is usually 30% and 40% more expensive than indoors.

That's why, before investing in a financed car to become an app driver, you need to take all of this into account, so that you don't get frustrated with the results and end up giving up, and the worst, getting into debt. For more information visit our apps category. Good luck!
