Meu INSS – Find out what it is and how to find the benefit app


Have you heard of the app My INSS? If you are a person who is interested in your rights, we can say that you are more than right. At Olhar Curioso we are also concerned with informing ourselves and transmitting this information to our readers. Thus facilitating access to legitimate information from reliable sources.

The way we carry out our tasks before and after the advent of technologies has changed dramatically. This concerns the way in which we obtain information being both in relation to how we arrive at this information and where we get it. Nowadays it is not necessary to go to an agency to get important information about the My INSS and the benefit itself, for example.

We can find different ways and places within just one application for example to be able to find different answers to common questions. With regard to space, this also ends up being something very interesting, because in the case of My INSS for example, it is possible to access your information through an app available for cell phones where you can access it anywhere with an internet connection.

My INSS (Google image)

My INSS – What is it?

To use My INSS, you must first understand what this benefit is. The INSS is a public benefit provided by the National Institute of Social Security. It is responsible for issuing payments to people who are already part of the retirement plan. In addition, other benefits related to Brazilian workers and other policyholders of this body are delivered through it.

This Institute is of great importance in people's lives and has been delivering thousands of payments of this benefit per year. It was created in 1990 and is associated with the body: National Institute of Social Security and the Institute of Financial Management of Social Security.


These bodies have the role of executing the right of insured persons of the public social security system. This is done by the General Social Security Regime, known by the acronym RGPS.

My INSS – How to access

Meu INSS can be accessed in two secure ways by its beneficiaries or not. Through an official website it is possible to find your access to the platform. But you have to be careful because only the page where the end of the address line ends with .gov is trusted. This is a feature of all pages made available by the government and has a safety factor.

Already on the website you can create an account or access yours in a completely secure way. For your registration to be done you will need to have some documents on hand to register them. It is important to have your CPF number, date and place where you were born and your mother's full name. This information will be asked for as well as other gifts in your work card.

To increase your security, you can answer some questions about your workday. The questions range from the year you worked at a company and even the name of a company where you had at least one period with a formal contract. In this way, it is possible to avoid fraud where only the person himself will have knowledge of this information about his life.

Available services

At Meu INSS you will immediately find different options to interact with. But for those who want to get a better idea without creating or accessing an account, there are some services in the posts you can interact with without having to have a password. In this way it is possible to know more about the site and enjoy some available options.

  • New request;
  • Claim disability benefit;
  • Issue GPS payment guide;
  • Communication of an accident at work;
  • Payment schedule;
  • Find an agency;
  • Enroll in the INSS.

Install the official app 

My INSS As said before can be found through your official site made available by the government. However, contrary to what many think, this is not the only safe and legitimate way to access this benefit and its platform. Through Google Play Android users can download different apps safely and this is no exception!

When accessing this platform that has been on your cell phone since the date of its manufacture, you will notice that there are different applications being displayed for you to interact with. Below the title of these applications there is an option in green color that allows me to install the app. To get there, just put the name you want to find on the platform and you will soon find this option in a list.

Installation is done in a few moments and will depend directly on your internet connection. But for you who already know about this benefit and want to find others, here is also the ideal place for your searches! Our blog has a category of benefits where we bring reliable information for our readers to always be on top of what is rightfully theirs. Access is free for anyone interested.

Good luck!