Nespresso – Discover the best coffee capsules for your machine


How about having a cup of coffee! A nespresso, being one of the largest companies that offer espresso coffee machines, you can serve a cup of coffee at any time quickly and easily, the company is already famous all over the planet, being able to relax having a fresh cup of coffee that is tasty and made quickly and easily. easy really is fantastic.

the brand nespresso belongs to the already famous company ”Nestle” which is headquartered in Switzerland, when it comes to the quality standard of the company in question, the diversity of capsule options are very large and can please practically all types of palates, that is, people who appreciate a good espresso.

beyond the company nespresso offer more than 30 possibilities of espresso coffees, it also offers a wide range of flavored coffees, for example, however, the brand ended up having its patent completely broken in recent years, which ended up increasing competition in the capsule market.

Image: (Google) Nespresso

Nespresso coffee capsules

In view of this change in the world market for espresso coffee, consumers today have many possibilities when choosing a capsule to use in their Nespresso coffee machine, however, among all the options that are currently present in the national market, which would be the best capsules?

Of course, to answer this question, it is necessary to know which profile of the user in question, as there are people who like traditional espresso coffee more, others who prefer flavored coffees, or even some users who prefer gourmet coffees, so it is necessary to really know your own taste.


Espresso coffee has been growing overwhelmingly in recent years, many people miss the traditional coffee brewed in a cloth strainer, like our good old grandmother, however, the world has modernized a lot in the last decade and especially in coffee companies espresso is a unit.

Best capsules that are compatible with Nespresso

There is a wide range of products on the national and international market, when it comes to capsules for coffee machines, however, as in any other market, there are options that stand out more than others, not only for the price but also for the final quality. that it delivers to its customers.

The vast majority of these brands can be found in magazines and supermarkets, however, if you want more convenience, the user can make the purchase online in compatible virtual stores. With the popularization of coffee machines, such as Nespresso, the demand for capsules has grown a lot in the last three years.

That's right, even in Brazilian homes, many users have preferred to make an espresso coffee in machines, than to make coffee in the traditional way as it has always been done in Brazil, it is worth remembering that coffee is a spice that has a strong cultural appeal. in our country, practically every Brazilian likes coffee.

The coffee shop culture

A drink served in small quantities, about 40 ml, and even so pleases different tastes, according to its intensity, bitterness, creaminess, acidity, among other characteristics. In this way, everyday people tend to want to try a different coffee.


Now, when it comes to capsules, we can find a wide range of materials such as plastic, aluminum or other biodegradable materials. For some more refined coffee consumers, unlike the materials of the containers, it changes the taste of the final coffee, even if in a very subtle way.

It is worth remembering that we are living in the modern era, where dynamism and time optimization are the themes of people's lives, especially in large centers, that is, in large Brazilian cities and metropolises, in this way being able to drink an espresso coffee. of quality quickly is of paramount importance.

best capsule brands

  •  Nespresso balanced kit: since we're going to talk about capsules, it's better to talk about the capsule that has the same brand as the machine in question, right? Without a doubt, this is one of the best options for customers who want to buy capsules with original flavors. Besides, it's a good way to start.
  •  Lungo: this model really is very similar to the espresso model, it works with exactly the same pressing process when talking about the post capsule., There is little difference, one of them is the amount of water used.
  •  Intense Orfeu: Café Orfeu is well known among people who appreciate specialty and Gourmet coffees, not only in Brazil, but in the world. Orfeu intense coffee capsules are fully compatible with Nespresso machines, it is worth remembering that it is made of biodegradable material.
  •  Decaffeinato Rico Lavazza: one of the most popular options on the current market is decaffeinated coffee, as this product offers a much smaller amount of caffeine. .

Traditional or espresso coffee

This is really a very interesting question, considering that Brazil is one of the largest coffee producers and consumers in the world, however, espresso coffee, whether traditional or gourmet, is still much more consumed in Europe, for example. In these countries, the culture of espresso coffee is greater.

However, speaking of Brazil, traditional coffee is still unanimous in Brazilian homes, but in companies and coffee shops espresso coffee is already a reality, what has been noticed is that espresso coffee, due to the popularization of machines and of the capsules in won also the residences.

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