Netflix not connecting to your tv? Find out how to solve this problem


Some users of Netflix, are reporting this connection problem, be it in the smart tv app, or even when mirroring the content of the mobile device on the TV in question. This difficulty has also been reported by users of Android systems and also in the IOS system.

It really is uncomfortable, imagine you are using the Netflix, and suddenly the TV loses connection with the platform, and the worst thing is, right at the coolest time of the movie or a series, or even when the user enters the platform, but cannot access it through their samart tv.

Well, these problems in Netflix happen to some users at times, it is worth remembering that the Netflix platform is super safe and stable, but as everything in this life is not perfect, these isolated cases happen, but rest assured, because it is easy to solve them.

Image: (Google) Netflix

Netflix does not connect

If you see the message (Unable to connect to Netflix) or still; (Netflix is unavailable) are very common conflicts on the platform. Many times, even when we are logged into the application, when loading any content, this error still persists. Which leaves users not knowing what to do.

To solve the problem and have the service reestablished, there is a small procedure, however, very specific for each device, in the case of cell phones with Android or IOS, PCs, consoles, Apple TV, Chromecast and Smart TVs. In this article we will focus on problems with Smart TVs.


It is worth remembering that each device is unique and has its particularities, there are first generation smart TVs that are generally the most problematic, in some cases having to update the firmware, a very complex task that would require the work of an experienced professional

Step by step to discover the Netflix error

  • Internet connection: to access Netflix on any of the platforms, you must first be connected to the internet. There are several ways to check if we are “online” by checking the Wi-Fi network on your mobile device or accessing it from your computer.
  • Power on and off: another way to get back connection, from the application on your TV is power on and off, well known, this action often resets the system and corrects errors or failures by re-establishing the connection.
  • App update: The Netflix app also needs updates. Sometimes the automatic update does not occur, which can lead to platform errors.
  • Cell phone full: sometimes our cell phone is full and we don't even realize it, we usually postpone the task of emptying the device, it is worth remembering that when many devices are too full, they do not perform basic tasks.

No connection to Smart TV

Another valuable tip is to check if the time and date on the TV are correct, because if these data are wrong, this error may occur, and the connection of the devices may fail, which is why it is necessary to check the date and time both of the TV in question as well as that of your mobile device.

There are other cases in which the devices are infected by viruses or malware, in which case it is necessary to install a good antivirus and do a complete scan of the device in question, if any threat is found it will be necessary to remove it, it is usually a simple action of if you do.

If you do this action, and the device still does not connect, you will need a more drastic action, it will be necessary to return the device to its factory settings, in this way possible errors, viruses and malware are completely deleted, and the system returns as it was when it left the factory.

old smart tv

Let's see, as technology nowadays advances very fast, we can already consider the first smart TVs, as being practically archaic, and usually causes a lot of headache with current technologies, it is worth remembering that in modern times 6 years is enough for something to be make archaic.


As the platforms current systems are very new, older TVs do not support current apps. In these cases, it is advisable to use a device called Chromecast, which once properly installed on the TV, connection problems will be solved.

It is worth remembering that you have to buy an original Chromecast, as there are similar options on the market or even counterfeits, which do not work properly, in which case it would be exchanging one problem for another. Now, if the user is from the upper middle class, it pays to buy a state-of-the-art smart TV.

Does it pay to buy a new TV?

If the user has tried everything that has been said so far, and cannot solve the problem, it is quite possible that the TV in question is defective, it will be necessary to take it to the assistance to have a look, it is worth remembering that the assistance has to be specialized, that is, duly accredited.

If the concert is too expensive, and your TV is from the first generations of smarts, and if the user does not want to buy a Chromecast, which is much cheaper than a new TV, then yes, the tip is to look for more current devices and that fit in the user's pocket.

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