Netflix – Learn how to use the “downloads for you” feature


the platform Netflix, without a doubt, is one of the biggest streaming platforms at the moment. The company, already consolidated in the Brazilian market, does not stop growing, because, in addition to incredible films, the platform is an audience champion when it comes to original series, that is, exclusive to the platform.

With each passing year, the platform Netflix, has been gaining a wide range of improvements with regard to the usability of the application, be it through the cell phone application, Smart TVs, or even through the computer. Not to mention that the existing tools are constantly being improved, based on feedback from the most assiduous users.

A Netflix currently, it has major competitors in its niche market, such as; Disney Club, Globoplay among others. However, the platform is still an audience champion, perhaps because it is a pioneer in the world of streaming. It is worth remembering that tools such as “downloads for you” are of paramount importance to users.

Image: (Google) Netflix

Netflix is the download tool for you

Bearing in mind that the platform has a huge collection of movies and series, in addition to the news that enter the catalog every week, the platform started to release downloads for users, however, not the common downloads, but the automatic downloads. This new function interacts with the taste of the user in question.

In this way, the platform makes it easier for the user to discover new content that can be consumed, and that most of the time will directly match the taste of the user in question, this tool was highly praised in the first days of its use.


It is worth remembering that this new function has been released gradually, that is, gradually. For this very reason, the tool may not yet be available to all users. Furthermore, currently, this new feature is only available for devices that use the Android system.

Using the Netflix Downloads For You tool

This new Netflix tool is very easy to use and configure, as it is highly visible in the application. Next, we will quickly list the step by step to find the tool, as well as its ideal configuration for the best user experience in question, stay with us and follow the tips:

  •  First, go to your accredited store "Google Play", and check if your Netflix application is already updated, if it is not updated, you need to update the application to access the tool.
  •  Now open the Netflix application and enter the profile in question.
  •  Then you need to click on “downloads” as soon as the new screen opens click on open “Smart downloads”.
  •  Most of the time, the platform already shows this feature on its home screen, however, if you don't see it, this is the best way.
  •  Now click on the “downloads for you” key, so you can define the storage size that will be used for this feature.
  • That's it, the platform is now enabled to make automatic downloads on the registered device.

Is the tool worth using?

Well, this is a very relevant issue where we need to be aware of some very important details. First, it is necessary to understand whether the user in question has a smartphone with good storage space, as well as a good processing and memory configuration, as he will need to use these resources.

Imagine that the user starts using Netflix's "downloads for you" feature, and the cell phone in question starts to fill up quickly, making the device super slow, and the user does not remember that the automatic downloads tool is enabled in their Netflix application , it really will be a bad experience, won't it?

Now if the user is a loyal consumer of streaming platforms, and is always looking for new content, be it movies, new releases, or even original series, and on top of that the user really has a state-of-the-art smartphone with a lot of space of storage, the tool is definitely worth using.


How to watch movies online

Currently, there is a very varied range when it comes to watching movies or series online, that is, consuming all content over the internet. The first detail to be observed is the profile of the user in question, because depending on his behavior he will be able to choose the best platform to consume his favorite contents.

For example, if the user really likes to watch new movies, in addition to the great successes of cinema, or still has the profile of watching many series, or still has the characteristic profile of watching several chapters of a series on the same day, surely a One of the best references is Netflix, just download and install the application.

Now, if the user is sporadic, that is, he consumes movies, series and other content from time to time, the tip is to look for platforms that offer these contents for free, that way the user will not have any expenses, and will be able to consume content sporadically on free platforms.

Netflix or Globoplay

This is an interesting question and also depends a lot on the profile of the user in question, because the platforms, despite being extremely similar, have some important differences, it is up to the user to understand their behavior, to better choose the platform to be subscribed to.

If the user, for example, is a regular consumer of sports, whether recorded or live, such as football, volleyball, basketball, the best option would be the "Globoplay" platform, as in addition to offering all these exclusive sports content, it also offers content from the broadcaster itself, TV Globo.

Now, if the user prefers to consume unpublished films, that is, the most recent releases, or even the most famous series on the world market, and even with interesting resources such as the tool “downloads for you, certainly the best platform to to be chosen is Netflix.

How to download the app

For users who are interested in the platform, as well as its functionalities, it will be necessary to download the application. Everything is very fast and easy, the user just needs to enter his accredited virtual store on his cell phone, in the case of Android, open the ”play store” or in case of “'IOS” in the Apple Store, then download and install the application.

It is worth remembering that the service is paid, whether for Android or IOS systems. The values also vary a lot according to the plan chosen by the user in question, however, the values can be considered low, for what is offered to the user.

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