Nubank Card – Find out about life insurance


If you already know the Nubank Credit Card will also love to meet the nubank life insurance. In life we know that the natural order is to be born, grow, age and finally leave. In this path of life, each day is very uncertain. We don't know if we're going to have an accident or if this will be our last day lived. And that doesn't just apply to me, or to you, but to anyone else.

Seeking to meet the need to insure against unforeseen events in our lives. Life insurance was created to guarantee protection against certain events. Like an accident or even death. And this protection is ensured both for protection and for your family members, and for your money. Since unforeseen events like these end up being a blow to people's lives. Both emotionally and financially. Nubank is not just credit card.

And this is exactly the service that Nubank proposes to deliver! Still in 2020 was created nubank life insurance. This is “Nubank Vida”. Insurance that proposes everything mentioned above and a little more. In addition to keeping prices accessible to customers and less bureaucracy. Thus making the service fast, practical and effective. Today you will meet one of the best, if not the best life insurance. The Nubank life service!

credit card
credit card and Nubank insurance (Google image)

Nubank Credit Card and Life Insurance – Values

To talk about life insurance, it is quite interesting to talk about the issue of value. It is known that due to the financial situation of many people, hiring an extra plan, such as an account, can make a difference at the end of the month. But know that taking care of your life is not as expensive as you might think.


Nubank life insurance seeks to be accessible to all audiences. In it you can find values from R$ 9 per month. Which is a very affordable price, especially taking into account what this insurance offers. Saying that the values start at R$ 9 means that there are customizable plans where you can increase the benefits of your plan. This according to your needs.

It is also important to say that Nubank has a partnership with Chubb. An American company that works as a property and casualty insurer. This is a very interesting factor for customers. Because you can use Nubank safely. It is not necessary to be afraid when depositing or investing your money on the platform.

Nubank life insurance – Advantages when subscribing

Subscribing to this benefit is very affordable. You may be contracting this plan directly from your Nubank application. Within it, you can change and update your data. It would be important to always keep them up to date. I'm not going to look for the plan, and you might already be looking at the options. Customizing it to your liking and what you need.

An interesting advantage to say, and the deficiency that the plan offers. This is an existing grace period for natural death. It is valid for three months from the day the contract is signed. What can be considered a very short period. It is interesting to say that you may be simulating your plans. Thus, it is not necessary to sign a contract to know the values and possibilities.

Another advantage of this Nubank life insurance is that you are not limited to family members. It is possible to add to this plan, anyone you wish. And so that there is no doubt, know that if no insurance beneficiary is informed. The assets will go to the legal heirs. This is in accordance with the Brazilian civil code.

List of insurance benefits

To facilitate your understanding of Nubank life insurance, we have decided to list the best benefits for you. This in an attempt to emphasize both the positive points of the plan and the application itself.

  • Plans accessible to different budgets;
  • On-platform customer support;
  • No need to have one nubank credit card to sign the plan;
  • Nubank's partnership with a large insurance company;
  • Short-term grace period;
  • Key benefits present in the most affordable plans.

How to download the app and sign your plan

To install the application and sign your Nubank life insurance you don't need much. It's just necessary that your phone has enough internal storage for download. In addition, you also need to meet the hardware requirements, having Android version 5.0 or higher. Once these requirements are met, ensure that you have access to the internet. 

Now all you have to do is find the Google Play application on your cell phone. In it you are able to search for various applications for free. Already on the platform, through the search bar search for Nubank. The install option will be in green color. Once this is done, just wait a few moments and the application will be ready for use. If possible, after logging in or creating your account, you are subscribing to your Nubank life insurance. 

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Happy reading everyone and good luck!
