Online Car Auction – Learn tips to not be at a loss


It's worth participating in online car auction? Is it safe to bid and buy a vehicle without seeing it physically, that is, completely virtual? It seems that these are obvious questions, however, there are many users who participate in auctions and do their shopping without leaving their homes.

 It is really possible to make a very satisfactory purchase through car auctions, both physically and virtually, however, it is necessary to have some techniques in order not to be at a loss and not even make a purchase that could bring headaches later.

The mode of online car auction in Brazil, it has grown exponentially in the last decade, given the large number of vehicles seized in Detran yards across the country, given that Brazilians are one of the most defaulting drivers in the world.

online car auction
Image; (Google) Online car auction

How to avoid loss at an online car auction

Although there are gangs specializing in scams on the internet, when it comes to car auctions, especially in the online mode, there are also many reputable companies that frequently carry out this type of auction. You can't judge everyone.


In this article, we are going to share the experiences of people who carry out auctions in a completely practical and safe way, so the tips will be very valuable so as not to get into trouble when trying to buy a car with a price below the market.

It is necessary to pay attention to several details when participating in an online auction of cars, or even motorcycles, as the chance of having some damage will be very high if the user has no experience or no knowledge in the online auction market.

Must Read Online Car Auction

  • Firstly, it is necessary to pay attention to every detail of the notice of the auction in question, such as time, place and date, in the case of face-to-face auctions. It is also necessary to pay attention to the payment method and the initial bids, as well as the condition of the vehicles and whether there are any pending issues to regularize the vehicle in question.
  • It is worth remembering that the public notice has the power of a contract, therefore, no detail can be ignored.
  • It is also necessary to do a thorough research on the auctioneer and also on the company, because that is where the suitability of an auction can be verified, checking with public bodies, the board of trade and even the SPC and Serasa.
  • It is also necessary to check the address that is informed by the auctioneer, as several scammers end up using false addresses to deceive victims who only end up discovering that they were deceived after paying the amount to the embezzler.

Visiting the online car auction yard

Another important tip is to visit the courtyard where the auction vehicles are located, in the case of users who live in the same city or still live in the same region, as seeing the car live is much better than in photos chosen on the internet. This detail is super important.

If it is not possible because of the pandemic to visit the places where the vehicles are, it is possible to ask the auctioneers for detailed photos, or even very detailed videos of the vehicle so that all your doubts can be answered. Do not buy if in doubt.

You also can't forget to check all the maintenance that will need to be done on the car, as this can have a good effect on the final value of the vehicle. You need to know if it's worth spending a lot of money on the low-value or low-resale market vehicle.

Watching the Auctions

Precisely because of the pandemic, most auctioneers are unable to hold in-person auctions, but the events have been broadcast live via internet lives, thus being able to continue the practice of auctions in Brazil.


It is worth remembering that in order to successfully participate in these online auctions, it is necessary to fill out a registration form on the auctioneer's website, in order to enable access, in addition to enabling the user to bid online and live. Pay close attention before you bid!

In times of auctions held via video over the internet, it is necessary to be extra careful with regard to scammers, as the auction is held only virtually, the ways of deceiving the end user are increased and the fraudsters are really very creative in their scams .

safety tips

Pay special attention to payment methods. When the user is going to make the payment through a deposit, it is necessary to check if the account is in the name of the official auctioneer, in this way the deposit will be made correctly. Under no circumstances deposit into another account. 

It is worth emphasizing that in all official auctions, there will be no possibility of giving up the bid, that is, giving up on the auction. That's why you need to think carefully before bidding whether it's a face-to-face or virtual auction. Be careful not to get carried away.

For more information about auctions, or even for application tips, visit our apps category. Good luck!
