Free QR Code Reader – Learn how to download it to your cell phone


Did you know that you can download a QR Code reader and barcode? There are some smartphone models, such as those from "Apple" for example, that already come with these readers installed in a ntive way, however, there are devices that use the Android system, which do not have a reader.

We will show throughout this article, everything about this application that helps a lot users of "Android" cell phones, especially the older ones. Once you have downloaded the QRCode application, you will be able to scan the barcode and QR Code directly from your cell phone.

Have one QR Code reader installed on the cell phone that uses the Android system, it is of paramount importance, as you can use it to pay bills, bills, make donations over the internet, in short, everything you need a code, you can do it through your smartphone.

QR Code Reader
Image: (Google) QR Code Reader

QR code reader app

It is a very versatile application, which is incredibly respectful of your privacy. It is a very modern application, it uses a QR scanner and also "Barracoud" providing you with all the resources you need in practice in your daily life.

With it, you can read any QR Code, or barcode, not to mention that you can have access to results from famous platforms such as ”Ebey”, Amazon, Google, among others, and the best, all of this can be at your fingertips. smartphone completely free of charge.


The application recognizes practically all current formats, such as: ”Data”, ”QR”, ”Aztex”, ”Matrix” ”UPC”, among others. Some important actions are highlighted: it is possible to open ”URL”, or even add events with your calendar, it is also possible to read ”vcards”.

Main features of QR code reader

  • Simple, easy, and very quick installation.
  • Easy usability alloy light and intuitive.
  • It is possible to read almost all types of QRCod and barcode formats.
  • Accepts payment of bills, slips and donations.


Really the QR Code reader application is very well thought out, because through it you can perform all your tasks in a completely safe way. It is possible to protect yourself from malicious links, with the "Custom Chrome" option through this tool, you can have a completely safe navigation through a QR code.

The application also asks for very few permissions to start working, for that, you just have to carefully read the images and the size of your device's storage. You can share your contact details via a QR code directly with your contacts.

It is also possible to see images, the application recognizes codes within image files, for example, it is also possible to read directly with your cell phone's camera. Another important detail is being able to activate the flashlight, so you can read the QR Code in darker environments, or you can use the zoom tool, to make it easier to identify the QR code.

file export

Another interesting fact is that through the application, you can manage your history in an unlimited way and you can export it in “csv” format. Then you can import directly to your ”Excel”, for example, or even save in the cloud, or Google Drive.


It is worth remembering that the application in question can be installed on cell phones that have an Android 6.0 system or higher. The codes supported by the app are: ”URL”,”MECard, ”Vcard” and ”Vcf”. In addition, it is possible to place an event on the calendar, access geographic locations, among others.

You can also read barcodes, or even two-dimensional codes, in this case, you can access files in ”EAN”, ISBN, ”UPC”, ”JAN”, ”GTIN-13” format, among others. It really is a very complete application, through it you will be able to read practically all types of formats that currently exist, be it a QR Code, image, or barcode.

How to download the app

If you need to generate or read a QR Code, or even a barcode, you can download the application in question, just go to your app store and type the term QR code reader in the search. Then just choose your favorite and install, everything is very fast and easy.

For more information on amazing apps, visit our apps category. It is worth remembering that you must always be careful, as malicious people can generate a QR Code to confuse victims. Never pay with QR Code without knowing exactly who it comes from, to whom and where.

Good luck!