Qr Code Scanner for your cell phone


Do you know or have heard of qr code scanner? This is a new technology that certainly deserves your attention. Besides, it arrived with everything and is already in the vast majority of establishments! This is thanks to the rapid development when it comes to our technologies. The way we did our shopping was very manual.

Before, they used only physical money. It was something that today we see as impractical. As a great novelty, credit cards came later. With them it was possible to buy only using your card and payment would be made through your invoice. Nowadays this medium is still very common, but it has not been preferred by people. Because they created the QR Code Scanner.

This is due to virtual money having gained great space in people's lives. It's much easier to make payments through your own cell phone. That's why digital banks have brought different options so that we can make payments without having to go to a bank branch to pay anything. Today you will meet a great QR code scanner for different purposes, not just shopping!

QR Code Scanner
QR Code Scanner

Qr Code Scanner – What is a Qr Code

To understand what the Qr Code Scanner app is, we need to understand what a Qr Code is. This resource that has been very successful both with people and with companies is a new technology that has the function of being an updated and improved form of the barcode. But this is done in a much broader and interesting way for people..


QR code can be scanned much easier by people. Unlike the barcode that was done with those unconventional supermarket machines, this technology can be scanned by the camera of your own cell phone. And that makes it a lot easier for you to find different things. This is another interesting point, as you are not worth finding products in a market.

You can even scan websites. It is possible, for example, to be accessing the menu of an establishment through its QR code left on the table. Another example is the payments that can be made through the QR code. It is possible to make charges and even pics using this technology that is certainly here to stay. Making people's lives a lot easier.

Qr Code Scanner – General Application

This QR code scanner app was made to make life easier for people. Just as the technology itself has taken us to the next level, apps to scan this new barcode format have also proven sorely needed. Besides, we all want access to new technologies, don't we? And this app makes it possible for you!

This app can be considered as one of the fastest readers present in the current market. And what is very interesting is that it is available completely free of charge for its users. Making the app much more accessible to people. Reaching out to the general public and helping people listen to this revolutionary new technology.

The application is very fluid and manages to get promising results in milliseconds. All this being necessary only that your cell phone has a camera. Because it is through it that you will read the QR code of what you want to scan. Also remembering that an internet connection is of great importance for you to be able to search the site that this reader will take you to.

Strong points 

This QR code scanner will definitely bring great opportunities to people's lives. It really does what it's supposed to do and makes it much easier for people to form what were previously called barcodes. It offers a great proposition and features to its users. And to show how this app is dedicated to you, we decided to list its strengths clearly.

  • It is possible to be scanning different than QR codes in milliseconds;
  • The application is available on a secure platform and can be downloaded for free by its users;
  • The application is light both in terms of the storage needed to download it and in terms of the mobile data it will use for its searches;
  • It is possible to be scanning the QR code with just your cell phone camera and this application open.

where to download 

Many people who want a QR code scanner have no idea how meet. But this is a problem that will stay in the past for you. This is due to our indication of the Google Play platform for its downloads. The platform is extremely secure and allows you to download different apps without having to worry about viruses or data theft.

This platform was made by the company Google itself and made it available for cell phones right after its manufacture. To download this application, you will need to access this platform and find the search bar that they make available at the top of the screen. In this bar, you can find the app you want just by putting its name.

Let's do the search, you will be able to see the title of your application and the option to install just below. This option will be free if you have storage space and hardware compatible with what the application asks for. And to find other apps like this one, just browse through our different categories, where we provide great content for you!

Good morning!
