Cheap rent – Get to know ZAP


A big decision in people's lives is where to live. Along with this moment, comes the desire to live in a good place and pay a cheap rent. Whether it's your first time renting a house or not, this never ceases to be a difficult decision. What's more, the goal is always to progress.

With that in mind, ZAP was created with the aim of making this search much easier. With this app, finding a cheap rental is not as difficult as it seems. If you don't know where to start, you've come to the right place. In the ZAP app, the dilemma is, “Got it. He thought. It changed into a ZAP”.

Search for apartments, houses, kitchenettes and much more. All this with a complete search, in any desired region. At ZAP you can find all properties with a cheap rent around you. You can find the perfect location, close to good shops, or even your job. So you could be saving valuable time in your day. 

cheap rent
Cheap Rent at ZAP (Google image)

Cheap and easy rent in a few clicks

Usually looking for a new place, with cheap rent, to live in is a very bureaucratic and slow task. ZAP optimizes this task to the fullest, but of course, always focusing on the safety of its users. Certain bureaucracies are necessary when it comes to making a safe and lasting business.

With great search capability, ZAP manages to filter key points for its new contract. Due to its total focus on cheap rent, you can browse with peace of mind, without worrying about checking whether the listing is for sale or rent. All properties are already at the level of structure and regulation necessary to be rented.


In addition, the application has very complete information about the properties. Thus answering all your queries. Also having the possibility to check the local media. This helps to kill a little curiosity, and get you a little closer to your possible new home.

More functions for your cheap rental

Interested but not yet decided? Don't worry about that, because at ZAP you can save the cheap rent you found. Favorite and do not lose sight of this property. Also staying on top of new values, in case the advertiser decides to lower the price, or even make that discount in the negotiation.

Also, always be aware of the filters you put in. If you already have an amount you want to pay monthly, put it in your filters. There's no reason to waste time looking at properties that don't interest us, right? Indicate your price range in the application and make your life easier. nAnd it doesn't end there, because in addition to the value, it is possible to choose several filters. 

Customize your search with the type of property, region and points of interest. You can also choose features that suit you in terms of space. Location size, how many bedrooms, bathrooms, with or without a backyard, among many other possibilities.

distance visit

This application also seeks to bring you greater comfort and flexibility when looking for a cheap rental. With it you have a large amount of media. With photos and videos of the property. But that's not all, because quantity is not everything. In ZAP you can see these files with great quality.


It is also possible to take a Virtual Tour of the apartment. Do you already know this new tool? The Virtual Tour is a way to take you to your future home, without you having to leave your home. Still don't understand? This is a technology capable of presenting real estate virtually and at the same time bringing a more realistic idea of space. All this through your computer, tablet or cell phone.

This tool has recordings made by a 360º camera (degrees), which can contain up to 3 lenses in its structure. They capture the smallest details, thus bringing a complete idea of space and structure around them. With the great rendering capacity that this camera has, you will be able to have a three-dimensional perspective of your possible new home.

Functions present in the application

With so many functions and possibilities, getting lost within the app is a common fear among new users. But you can't judge the book by its cover. ZAP is an application that is simple to use, where simplicity and objectivity are good features to comment on. However, thinking about those who were a little lost, we decided to make a list of the main functions and benefits of this application.

  • Different types of properties;
  • Cheap rent;
  • Large amount of quality media;
  • Virtual Tour;
  • Various filters;
  • Guaranteed security;
  • Focus on rental properties;
  • Direct contact with the advertiser;
  • Possibility of sharing;
  • Option to save properties.

How to download ZAP

For those who really want to find a cheap rental and are interested in application, I bring good news. Downloading the app is as easy as it is quick. To do this, you just need to have an internal storage of 17 MB (megabyte) on your cell phone. In addition to requiring Android version 5.0 or higher. 

Having what is needed for download and internet connection, you will find the ZAP application on the Google Play platform. The Platform is present in your factory cell phone, which guarantees your security when downloading applications. Once this is done, all you have to do is search for ZAP Rent and install the application.

If this article piqued your interest, know that we have several other topics of great relevance. Discover our channel tips, and stay on top of various content like this. Making your life easier not only to rent a new property, but in several aspects. Happy searching to all readers and good luck!