ANNEL Consumer App – Discover the app


O Consumer Ring, is one of the novelties nowadays, as it comes in the form of an application, and aims to serve people who have any demand in relation to the "National Electric Energy Agency". Through the application, it is possible to make requests to the ombudsman, that is, suggestions for complaints and complaints or even praise.

It is a completely free application, which is available both for mobile devices that use the Android system, or for users of the iOS system, that is, the famous iPhones. The apps really have made life easier for users, not only in Brazil, but around the world.

The application Consumer Ring, is very practical, considering that its interface is super simple, and easy to see, not to mention that it is much easier to make a complaint or suggestion through an application, than to wait for an attendant to answer us via telephone.

ANEEL Consumer
Image: (Google) ANEEL Consumer

ANNEL Consumer Application - Invoice Details

The main novelty of the application is the option "understand your account". Through this option, the user will be able to better understand his account, in this way we can understand what each item on his electricity bill means, that is, the purpose of this option is to inform and educate.

It is worth remembering that the amounts set out in the electricity bill tariffs vary greatly from distributor to distributor, as various taxes such as PIS, Cofins, ICMS, and also the famous public lighting fee are levied on them. It takes a little time to learn the whole process.


The application is still in the evaluation phase, after this phase, the entire system will certainly be improved in a systemic way, so that the application becomes increasingly smarter and more intuitive. It is worth remembering that despite being a new application, it is already very effective and much needed today.

ANNEL Consumer Application - Understand your account

  • Grant: through this option, you can select your dealership, according to the city you live in or if you live in a rural area.
  • Distributor: here, you can select your dealership, or the licensee in your city or region.
  • Consumption: in this option, it is possible to drag the button, or even insert any value related to average consumption, in order to be able to simulate the value of an invoice with its components.

Invoice Components

Based on the user's choices, the system will automatically show a graph containing all the items on your invoice, such as; transmission, energy, distribution, tariff flag and charges, it is worth remembering that everything is well laid out in a super friendly interface and everything is divided into colors.

Another option that can be found in the application is the item ”tariff vs inflation” in this option, the user will be able to follow the evolution of his tariff and his respective concessionaire, that is, the concessionaire he chooses to do the simulation in the application.

In this way, it is possible to simulate whether the tariff is rising more than inflation, or if it is equal to inflation, or if it is below inflation, considering that the application uses the IPCA and IGPM as a reference, which is based on Calculating the period from 2012 to 2018.

How to save energy

Bearing in mind the current high values practiced by electric energy companies, planning is necessary to save electric energy, for two reasons, the first really is to be able to pay less, and the second is that it is necessary to save so that there is no shortage energy in the future.


The main tip for saving electricity on a daily basis is to first directly save the main appliances that consume more energy, such as electric showers and irons. For this reason, the tip is to take a shower of at most five minutes.

It is also necessary to buy appliances that have the ANEEL seal, as there are classifications showing appliances that consume less energy, so whenever you buy a new appliance, give preference to those that save more electricity.

Solar energy is worth it

Another option already used by Brazilians is the installation of solar energy in homes, but this option is still not very accessible for the lower middle class, due to the high cost of installation and maintenance. However, this option is becoming more accessible every year.

Now if the user belongs to the upper middle class, it is certainly worth investing in the installation of solar energy, considering that despite the long-term return, it will return to your pocket anyway. In that case, the investment will pay off.

For more information and tips about the applications that are revolutionizing the Brazilian and world market, visit our apps category. Good luck!