Phone Ringtones – Customize your calls


Have you ever thought about your phone ringtones? Did you already know about the possibility of changing your cell phone's default ringtone to your favorite song? If you are tired of those usual ringtones that annoy you every time someone calls you, you are in the right place. This is your opportunity to discover the phone ringtones, the app that can solve your problem!

Using the phone ringtones you can change the way you receive calls. Getting a call to your favorite artist's sound is no longer a problem. Having the application installed and following a few steps, your conversations will be even livelier!

With phone ringtones you can also choose sounds from the app itself. But by itself, it is possible to find artists, bands, among a variety of sounds and rhythms that you have never heard. And the best part is how easy it is to set up and use the app. But if you have difficulties, don't worry, you'll get out of here!

phone ringtones
Phone ringtones (Google image)

Phone ringtones – possibilities 

Beforehand, it is not possible to talk about this application without talking about the songs already present in it. The songs selected for the collections are handpicked, thus providing a complete choice of a fresh ringtone. In addition, the application has several functions to improve the experience during use.

There is, for example, the function of bookmarking your favorite songs. Or rather, their cuts. Because the selected songs are already cut in the best part of the songs, ready to use. There are also options to filter these cuts by trends, new ringtones, Christmas songs, among others.


In addition to the function of selecting the phone's call music, it is possible to change the alarm clock ringtone. So there is also an option to choose an existing sound in the application, or bringing a song saved on the phone itself. If you want external music, you will need to cut the desired part of that music. But don't worry, you can do it within the app itself.

What's in Phone Ringtones

There are several functions and possibilities in the application. The functions present in the application are as follows:

  • Songs aimed at all tastes;
  • Possibility to put your songs as favorites;
  • Support and option to request new songs and artists;
  • Possibility to return the ringtone to the default in the application;
  • Account registration, for backup on other phones;
  • Filters separated by thousands of collections;
  • Possibility to change the sound of the alarm clock;
  • In-app music file transfer
  • Possibility to remove advertisements

How to use

First, you need to address how to log in to the application. It's very simple to do this, just find three bars in the upper left corner. Then look for “Sign in with Google” at the end of the options. Now just put your gmail and enter. To change your ringtone is also not difficult.

To choose the music that will be used, go back to the main menu. There you will find various songs and different collections, which filter these ringtones. After choosing the ringtone you will have three options. You can bookmark this ringtone if you want to use it in the future. But to change the ringtone, what interests us is the “download” option. With the ringtone downloaded, you need to go to the “Settings” button on the side

In the settings there are two options, which are, change the phone ringtone or the alarm clock sound. To search for songs, you will notice that there is a pink search bar at the bottom right. At the top, right, you have the option to remove advertisements. If you like the app and want to remove the ads, it's worth the investment!


security and space

Am I safe? Regarding application security, this is a very common question, as there are applications from dubious sources that may contain harmful files. Lucky for us, this is not the case with Phone Ringtones, as it is available on the Google Play platform, which reassures us about the safety of downloading the application.

About storage, you will be surprised. Phone ringtones use only 14MB(Megabytes), that's counting only the downloaded application. If you are interested in music downloaded outside the application, you will need storage space in addition to that stipulated by the application.

Are you interested in using songs that aren't there yet, always needing to download them externally? For this, in the application menu you will find the option “Request new ringtone”. Then, just put your name, the singer you want to listen to in the application and your gmail. That done, send the request and soon you will find your idol's songs in the application.

How to download 

First of all it is necessary to talk about the requirements to be able to have application access. It is desired to check the version of your android. If it is equal to or greater than version 5.0. In addition, you must have available space on your phone and an internet connection. It is worth warning, this is an application recommended for people over twelve years old, as it may contain impactful content. 

To download Phone Ringtones is not difficult. For this, you first need to find the application on the Google Play platform. As said before, this is to preserve the security of your download. After finding it, just find “install”, written in green. In minutes your application will be installed.

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