Serasa – Consult debts and many more in the App


You already know the app Serasa? If you are interested in knowing better what Serasa is, finding information about it and understanding how its application works, this is the ideal time to update yourself. We know that the financial sector is linked to people's lives and has a direct influence on their quality of life. But why stay inside?

With the need to control finances, many applications have emerged over the years. This is great, as access to information and facilities that applications provide us has contributed a lot to our financial life, but where Serasa get into it? If you are curious, stay with us!

Today, in addition to presenting what the Serasa for our users and what your application makes available to users, we decided to bring tips related to your finances and how to save, getting a better return on your money. All of this in a clear and very objective way to bring important information without taking up much of our readers' time.

Serasa (image from Google)

Serasa – What is it + Tips

Serasa Experian is a brand corresponding to analyzes and information for credit decisions and business support in Brazil, but what does that mean? Through this platform you can stay on top of information regarding your credit analysis. An example is when we are going to create an account at a new bank branch and we want a credit card.

A very interesting tip to have good movement in your name and make credit approvals easier is to always keep your accounts up to date. It may seem like something very obvious, but paying bills without delay shows that you are a good debt payer and that you are unlikely to cause problems for the company you applied for credit.


Moving your name by paying bills and slips also improves your Serasa score. And a bonus tip for you to be able to manage these payments is, never buy or make debts greater than you can pay. Doing this kind of thing can put you in the red and consequently dirty your name!

Serasa – Application 

Now that you have a basic understanding of Serasa, it's time to understand what this application's purpose is and what you'll be able to do by installing it on your cell phone. The first point that deserves great emphasis on the platform is the possibility of making agreements and negotiations on the debts present in your name. Having your name cleared in the best way.

In the app, you can make payments via pix and have the chance to clear your name instantly without headaches. On the platform you also have access to your score. But what is this? The score is the score of your name, referring to your payment habits. But of course, this is referring specifically to the credit market and the movement on its behalf.

In addition, it is possible to block and unblock your score whenever you prefer. This is a security measure where you can protect yourself from scams and avoid fraud related to your name. You can also unlock your score whenever you prefer and feel more secure. In addition, you can apply for a credit card on the Serasa platform.


Serasa is a company that has become a reference in terms of analyzes related to credit decisions. It has become a pioneer due to the quality of services it provides to its customers. To understand a little more about the services you will have access to, we made a simplified list to expand your knowledge about the platform.

  • You can check your credit score to find out if your name is doing well or needs a change in habits:
  • You can apply for a credit card on the platform and receive an interesting limit according to your score;
  • You can find tips to improve your score within the platform itself;
  • You can lock and unlock your score whenever you want to protect yourself from scams or fraud.


Contrary to what many people think, to go down Serasa is something very simple and can be done in just a few moments. To do this, you need to have an Android phone with an internet connection, either via mobile data or Wi-Fi. Also, you need to make sure your phone's hardware is compatible with the app you want to install.

To download, you must have enough space for the files to be downloaded and stored. Having all this at your disposal, you can search among the applications present on your Android cell phone for the Google Play platform, which was made available by Google itself. In this way you guarantee your security when downloading applications online.

Within the platform, you can use the search bar to find and install the app you want, in this case, Serasa. We seek to bring information that will really make a difference in people's lives in a positive way. To know a little more, just browse through our categories with varied content on our blog.

Good luck!