Single Mother Benefit: How to Apply and Who is Entitled


Auxílio Mãe Solteira is a Brazilian government social program that aims to help single mothers in situations of financial vulnerability. The program was created in 1990 and is administered by the Ministry of Citizenship.

Since then, it has been an important source of support for thousands of women across the country. Single Mother Assistance is a monthly benefit that is paid to single mothers who meet the criteria established by the program.

To be eligible, the mother must be over 18 years old, have a per capita income of up to half the minimum wage and not receive any other government benefit. The benefit amount varies according to the mother's income and the number of children she has.

The program is an important initiative by the Brazilian government to help single mothers care for their children and ensure a better life for them. Furthermore, the Single Mother Allowance also helps reduce poverty and inequality in the country.


However, despite the benefits of the program, there are still many women who do not receive the support they need due to problems with the application process or lack of information about the program.

Eligibility and Registration

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for Single Mother Benefit, the applicant must be a single mother, that is, not have a spouse registered in her name. In addition, she must have a per capita income of up to half the minimum wage and not receive any other government benefit, except Bolsa Família.

Registration Procedure in the Single Registry

To register with the Single Registry and access Single Mother Assistance, a single mother must go to a Single Registry service point in her city or municipality. You must bring the following documents:

  • RG;
  • CPF;
  • Children's birth certificate;
  • Proof of address.

After registration, the single mother must wait for the government to analyze her application.

If approved, she will receive the Single Mother Allowance directly into her bank account. It is important to remember that the registration must be updated annually to continue receiving the benefit.

Access and Consult Benefits

Single Mother Aid benefits are intended for women who are heads of families and have low income. To access these benefits, you need to follow a few simple steps.


Use of the Portal

The portal is the Brazilian government's official platform for online services. To register, simply access the website and follow the instructions. After registering, you can access the portal and request Single Mother Assistance.

Aid Consultation – 2024 Guide

The 2024 Guide is a document that contains information about the social benefits available in 2024. In it, you can find information about the Single Mother Benefit, such as the requirements to qualify and how to request the benefit.

The 2024 Guide can be consulted online or at a Caixa Econômica Federal branch.

Caixa Tem app

The Caixa Tem App is a tool that allows Single Mother Aid beneficiaries to access their benefits directly via their cell phone.

With the app, you can check your balance, make transfers and pay bills. To use the Caixa Tem App, simply download it from your cell phone's app store and register.


With these benefits access and consultation options, single mothers can access the benefits they need to ensure their families' financial security.
