The best app to download Instagram stories


Do you know which best app to download stories from instagram? You didn't even know there was an app to download Stories? So stay with us in this article, as we are going to show you the best options when it comes to downloading amazing Stories targeted to Instagram!

The Story is one of the main tools nowadays, as it shows your daily activities, that is, your daily life, where you can post photos and videos that were exposed for just one day, so that people can get to know your life better , which is why having tools to download it is of paramount importance.

If you use the best app to download stories from instagram, you can leave your daily publications with much more engagement, that is, with much more interaction and visibility, considering that well-made Stories are more viewed than others, now imagine being able to download them?

best app to download instagram stories
Image: (Google) Best App to Download Stories from Instagram

The best app to download Instagram Stories

There is an application called ”Instore”, which aims to download videos from your Instagram, this tool allows you to download videos from your IGTV as well. It is worth remembering that the application is also a great generator of "hashtags", in addition to creating very interesting subtitles.

The application has very interesting tools such as ”Story saver”, for example, which aims to save your Stories, as well as generate hashtag and caption, it is worth remembering that you also have access to the fantastic collage creator, in addition to the DP download tool which resizes the DP.


If you were looking for an application to download images or even share them, as well as download videos from Instagram without having to be logged in, you have found the best application of the moment, and the best, it is very fast and very easy to use. install, in addition to being super intuitive and easy to use.

Best App to Download Instagram Stories – Other Details

You can download photos and videos from Instagram without being logged in, in a few clicks you can save profile photos and videos directly to your gallery. It really is a very useful tool and many users are astounded by the surreal results of the tool.

That way, you can keep all your photos and also your videos from iG, and you can post them whenever you want again. Through the Story server you can download 100% for free. Really the developers of this application were in the vein.

It is worth remembering that Instagram is one of the most used social networks today, given that Facebook and Tik Tok users are also Instagram users, as it is a fantastic tool, with a lot of visibility and that converts many followers and sales.

Story saver features

  • You can publish your photos and videos as many times as you want.
  • You can save your Instagram photos to your gallery using the tool.
  • You can also act by downloading videos from IG
  • You can copy hashtags and descriptions from Instagram. 
  • You can easily repost IG videos as many times as you want. 
  • You don't need to be logged in for this.

More information

There are two very interesting ways for you to use Story saver to download your Instagram photos and videos. To do this, just copy the link and paste it directly into the tool you chose directly from Instagram. The whole process is really fast.


You can also do this same task, using other sharing options directly from Instagram, through the tool. To do this, you just need to search for the URL automatically, now just click on download, or you can also send it to other people.

It is worth remembering that for you to post videos and photos downloaded from third parties, you must obtain authorization from the owner of the account where you downloaded the video images, so that in this way you do not violate any terms of Instagram's intellectual property. It really is amazing isn't it? It's very simple, isn't it?

How to download the app

If you want to download the application mentioned in this article, just type the application in question in the search for your accredited store, that is, if you are an Android cell phone user, just enter your "Playstore" store, if you are a user iPhone, just go to the ”Apple Store”.

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Good luck!