Tips on how to cut expenses at home without being squeezed


Cutting expenses at home and still being able to live well is perhaps one of the biggest dilemmas in society today. Pulp here, a cut there and even then there is not much left over at the end of the month.

It takes a very detailed control of expenses at home, writing down everything that is going out and coming in, so that when you reach the end of the month you can see your very detailed trade balance. Take a liking to cutting expenses, make it a habit and soon the results will come.

Research the prices practiced by the markets where you usually buy and choose the cheapest. Diversifying where you usually shop is also an excellent tip to cut costs, buy meat in a butcher shop and cleaning products in another, cosmetics in specialized stores.

personal economy
Personal Economy (image: Google)

Avoid buying by the brand of the product that ends up being more expensive due to the status of the brand. Make a list of what you really need that week, or fortnight, avoid unnecessary expenses. Make the purchase of those non-perishable products that last the whole month if possible.

Cut expenses at the supermarket

This is a great villain for debts at the end of the month, as Cutting expenses at the supermarket is not an easy task, as almost everything you need in your day to day life is there, be sure to follow the promotions on each day of the week. tip. See inserts in the newspaper and commercials on television.


Save on Credit Card

Don't be surprised by the card bill at the end of the month. Only use it if it's an urgent purchase and you can't pay in cash at the moment, and do your best to avoid these urgencies, but if it happens, always be aware that the invoice will come in the next few months, start cutting expenses to keep the card and day.

Buy for pleasure or impulse

Always analyze the reason for the purchase. If she is just a momentary pleasure, assess the situation well. Want an example? By contracting the package with all cable TV channels, did you stop to think if you are really going to watch them all? When you feel like buying something on impulse, try leaving the purchase for the next day. The urge will often have passed.

Cut spending at the mall

Shopping is a temptation to spend a lot, be careful and think twice before going out trying everything and buying, sometimes you don't even need that outfit or that shoe. Whenever you come back from your shopping at the mall, ask yourself if you really need everything you bought, if the answer is no, try to understand the reason for the excess.

Search 3 places before closing the purchase

If you went out to buy something, but the price of the item can hurt your budget, search in two other stores, if the price is close, haggle, say that store B does it for so much and see if store A covers the price, in most cases sometimes it ends up being cheaper and you already cut expenses on this purchase.

Cuts transport costs

Leave your car in the garage. Carpool to work and use public transport more. Economy of gasoline, parking, servicing, everything will reduce your operational cost. Motorbike is a bit dangerous, but riding carefully and only within the city in distances of a few km, the economy will be great, now if you have to take an MG or a BR, don't go by motorcycle.


Night Departures

The night consumes a lot of money, if that's your case, go out less, choose to go out twice or once a week instead of 3, 4 or 5. You'll realize a big savings at the end of the month. even try to avoid going out every week, do it every other week for example.

Put everything on the tip of the pencil or excel, or even cell phone apps that help with spending control, there are hundreds of them. Try to save now so that you can make your trips, your dreams come true in the near future, but don't be too tight-fisted, don't save for example 20 years in a row from the age of 40, because the years go by and the money is saved. Spend quality time with your friends and family, be happy and make others happy, the essence of life.