Disengage your teeth - Application that contributes to oral health


Are you looking for a way to get disengage the teeth? This is a problem faced by many Brazilians and that has generated a lot of doubts. But we already advance that you can stay calm about it. Yes, there are methods to treat this problem and today you will find out how!

disengage the teeth for many it may be silly, but only those who suffer from this problem understand how bad it is to have a sore dental arch due to this behavior that is often acute and causes irreversible damage to our oral health. Maintaining our health is very important and when we talk about our mouth, aesthetics too.

On account of this, disengage the teeth it is something of great importance to keep our fingers in the best possible quality. Today we bring an application that answers several questions and helps its users with this type of problem. If you want to find out how, this article is our gift for you to get valuable and safe information about it.

disengage the teeth
Pulling teeth apart (Google image)

Pulling teeth – Bruxism

You already know that pulling your teeth out is important for our oral health. But do you know what bruxism is? Bruxism is a disorder where the individual squeezes their teeth against each other without realizing it. In addition to squeezing this disorder, it can also cause the subject to slide or chatter their teeth in a way that is harmful to their health.


This behavior happens unintentionally and can cause serious harm. It is very common for these acts to happen mainly during the moment of sleep, as we cannot control the responsible muscles. In addition to problems like jaw weakening and gum problems, it's very common to see rapid tooth wear.

There are also symptoms that go beyond the mouth. Because of stress and how the musculature is strained, it is very common for people with this disease to have severe headaches and pain in the muscles of their face. But there are ways to deal with this problem and that you will discover even today in this same article with the tips that we brought you.

Disengage the teeth – Application 

If you want to loosen your teeth, an app that really works will make the difference and your results. Today we bring to our readers the “Disengage your teeth”. This app already has more than 100,000 downloads on Google Play and is classified as free. In this way, it manages to serve a wide audience that has this problem.

In the application we can see several interactive features that will help us to control and treat this disorder. We know that knowledge is essential for us to develop in different aspects of our lives and when we talk about health, this is no different. This app brings some tips that really help users.

Thus, being a good way for people to deal with bruxism. On the platform, you can find a lot of information that will make knowing this problem simple and, in addition, you will have access to ways to reduce the symptoms and problems that can get in the way over time. Remembering that going to the doctor is always the first step!

health tips

If you want to loosen your teeth and improve your oral health, changing negative habits may be the solution. There are cases and cases to be evaluated regarding this disorder and it really is of great importance for any of these cases. At the same time, there are behaviors that can improve or alleviate the symptoms of this disorder. Thinking about a better quality of life for our users, we made a list of some tips about it.

  • Avoid pressing, tapping or dragging the teeth;
  • Consult a doctor specializing in oral health;
  • Have moments of rest to relieve stress;
  • There are mouth guards that protect your teeth during your nights sleep;
  • Calming teas can reduce anxiety and consequently the symptoms arising from the behavior of teeth alert.


You may have already noticed that pulling your teeth out, even though it seems simple, is a big challenge for many people. Application that today we brought the screen directly to the knowledge and in this way seeks to make users have a more complete notion of how this disorder occurs and how important it is to act and treat it in the right way.

To facilitate access to information for our users, we try to bring legitimate information and a good download platform so that they can have quick access to the apps and the tips available therein. If you use a phone with the Android operating system, the platform we recommend is Google Play. When you can download several without fear!

When you open your home page, just look for the search bar in the center of the screen and search for the application you want to download. Our blog is full of knowledge and suggestions for applications that will greatly improve your quality of life and bring entertainment to you and your family. All this organized into different categories for you.

Good luck!
