Job sites that work – Find a vacancy


you know the best job sites that work? It is already normal among people to look for a job over the internet, but is there anyone who is still looking for a job the old-fashioned way? That is, taking your resume in person to companies? Believe if you want! There are still people with these characteristics.

Although we live in the modern era, many people still try to get jobs through old strategies, which maybe they don't know, which is a big waste of time, considering that online, you can reach many more contractors in much less time either through a job application or through job sites that work.

For this reason, it is necessary to know the best job sites that work, for you to be able to offer your services to the right employers, it is worth remembering that you need to be aware of the latest technology, because through it, you will be able to optimize your time and get the job you want.

job sites
Image: (Google) job sites that work

Job Sites That Work – The Best

First, let's talk about the "National Jobs Bank", there you will have access to practically 500,000 job offers. jobs, in all regions of Brazil and in all areas of activity. For this very reason, it is considered one of the best sites in Brazil, when it comes to finding a job, everything is done for free, from registration to sending resumes.

If you want to use the platform, just choose "option and resume registration", there you will be able to register and properly send your resume, and the best, at no cost. You will also be able to find the vacancies most sought after by Internet users at that time.


Another very important site in this category is ”Sine”, which means ”National Employment Site”, however, you should not confuse this platform with the ”National Employment System”, which is another area of the Ministry of Labor, we are talking about in this article of the platform that was launched in the year 2000.

Job sites that work – Other job sites

Continuing our list, there are other very interesting sites when looking for a job opportunity, for this very reason, if you don't know it, it's good that you join the platform called "CIEE", an acronym that means company-school integration center, it is a platform very similar to the SINE platform. 

However, it works the other way around, as the main focus of this platform is on students, which is why there are jobs very specific. There you can find vacancies for the Young Apprentice program, for example, considering that large companies need to allocate part of their vacancies to this specific public.

Through the site "", you will be able to find many benefits, because in addition to being able to apply for job opportunity and also send your resume, you will also be able to carry out in-depth analyzes related to the current job market. It really is a very interesting platform.

job platforms

You can also search for your job opportunity, through other options, such as, for example, the ”Trovit” platform, very different from the others, because in addition to getting jobs in Brazil, through the site, you will be able to work in the international market, not only in English, but in other countries, in total the platform includes 60 federations.


Another widely used platform is "Catho", it is impossible to talk about sites that offer job vacancies, not to mention this platform, exactly because it is one of the most used and best engaged with the Brazilian people. There you will find plenty of vacancies.

Finally, let's talk about a much sought after platform, perhaps because its tools are incredible and essential, it is the "Indeed" platform, many people classify it as the best of all, considering that it already has more than 16 million of supporters. It really is a gigantic platform.

Advantages of using online platforms

  • The first big advantage when it comes to getting a good job is being able to access the biggest offer banks to acquire your vacancy.
  • Another advantage is being able to use the filters on the platforms, in order to find the best vacancy that fits your profile.
  • Not to mention the fact that you don't have to spend on printing or transportation, that is, you just have to create your CV and send it to several companies, in many cases simultaneously.

How to get a job today

If you're having trouble getting a new job, the tip is to enter one of the sites indicated in this article, so that you can offer your services to as many companies as possible, that way, you will definitely find people interested in hiring you.

For more information about vargas, or about the world of technology, visit our apps category, there you will find the best! The final tip is, try to specialize, because people who have specializations, in addition to getting a job faster, get better wages.

Good luck!