Work as a Mercado Livre delivery man – Register through the application


Did you know you can work as a free market courier? That's right! If you are unemployed and want to get a job, maybe this article is for you, as we will show you all the details on how to get that job, as well as how to start working quickly.

Currently, there are millions of unemployed people across Brazil, which is why many end up choosing to work in telemarketing services, Uber, and more recently as a delivery person for the famous Mercado Livre platform. But is it really worth it? We will show you in detail how the whole process works.

It is worth remembering that for work as a free market courier, it is necessary to fulfill some basic requirements, which we will show next throughout this article. But what really matters is if you really need to work, or if you're willing to meet your goals, so you can have a good income.

Work as a Free Market courier
Image: (Google) Working as a Mercado Livre courier

Working as a Mercado Libre courier – Details

First, it is worth remembering that the Free Market aims to depend less and less on the Brazilian mail, as it needs agility in its deliveries, for this very reason, it ends up outsourcing the service directly to the carriers. However, it is also necessary to partner with people who want to work with deliveries autonomously. 

Therefore, this could be your chance to get a job quickly. Let's understand how it works step by step so you can start working and understand how the entire service works for the platform, as well as understand if the values are compensatory.


It is worth remembering that the platform's delivery system does not depend exclusively on the mail, it can be done by large, medium and small companies as well as by self-employed people, so it is worth checking if you have the profile to start working as an official delivery person of the Free Market.

Working as a courier at MercadoLibre – how to get started

If you want to start working on this platform, you need to know what "crowdshipping" is, or else work directly on the "flex shipping" of the MercadoLibre service, which we will explain later on how everything works. Remembering that the idea is for you to make several deliveries on the same day.

These being the two types of vacancies available, ie flex shipping and crowdshipping, the Mercado Livre platform has been one of the largest retailers in Latin America, which is why, in the pandemic, sales grew by more than 120% in the last year. It really is something scary isn't it?

If you want to start working directly with crowdshipping, you can already make deliveries to Mercado Livre, as this word means nothing more and nothing less than collaborative economy. So normal people can become collaborators. Really anyone can start working.

other details

To begin with, you need to download an application to mediate the entire process, remember that deliveries will need to be made in a car, or by motorcycle, because if the distance is great, there will be no way to reach the customer quickly. The application is very simple and works like Uber, Rappi, among other delivery applications.


This is one of the best options, as you can make your schedule more flexible. From 2016 onwards, the ”eu entrego” platform was a pioneer in the intermediation between freelancers and platforms, managing to do so with dexterity. In the application, all you have to do is go to the “I want to be a delivery person” tab, complete a brief registration, create your login and password and start working.

It is also worth remembering that registration is completely free and the platform already mediates directly with Mercado Livre, to validate your bank account, you need to upload your documents, such as; identity, CPF, driver's license, as well as proof of residence.

Advantages of working on the platform

  • The first big advantage of working at Mercado Livre is having flexible working hours.
  • The second advantage is that you can have an extra income if you already have a job.
  • Another interesting advantage is for people who are unemployed, and have a vehicle and don't want to stand still.
  • Finally, it is an alternative in emergency cases, and in other cases it can be an income supplement.

Free Market vs Uber

This is an issue that we can draw some comparisons, considering that some people prefer to work in exclusive delivery applications for platforms such as Mercado Livre, as well as others want to work as exclusive drivers for Uber, however, both options have their pros and cons. your cons.

In the case of working at Uber, at first, it seems easier, as you only need to have a properly licensed vehicle that meets the basic requirements of the platform, then you just need to keep your car clean, fueled and start working, for example. that's right there are so many drivers these days.

What few users know is that it is possible to follow the same path, that is, the same path, to start working delivering products from Mercado Livre, as you will be paid for each delivery, and many times it can be more profitable and less tiring than work with Uber.

How to begin

First, if you choose to work at Mercado Livre, you will need to be "MEI", that is, an individual micro-entrepreneur, so that in this way you can move on with your registration, if you are not, just look for the city hall of your city and in a few steps you can already be a micro entrepreneur.

For more information on quick jobs, as well as having access to the main jobs of today, visit our apps category, there you will find the best options, as well as the jobs available at the moment, the tip is, never give up on your dreams and specialize!

Good luck!