Vimeo – Learn how to create a channel and use the app


The application Vimeo which is available for Android and IOS, is an application, or even a platform that distributes videos. The platform has a wide range of editing tools, in addition to the user being able to follow the behavior of his audience, it really is an interesting application.

The application Vimeo is preferred by producers as well as other people working in this field, allowing the user to create and share a large amount of specific and original videos. It is worth remembering that the application can also be used in a personal way, that is, using it to publish your own videos.

To be able to use the platform Vimeo, it's very simple, all you have to do is create an account within the platform. Once the account is created, it will be possible to add new videos, create showcases or even make live broadcasts. You can also create your own special playlists whether public or private.

Image: (Google) Vimeo

How to create a Vimeo account

  • First, you need to open Vimeo on your computer or mobile phone.
  • After that, the user needs to click on the “registration” option.
  • Now, it is enough for the user to choose between the options, accessing it through ”Facebook” or even through ”Google”.
  • Ready! The account is properly created, now all the user has to do is upload content to their channel by uploading their videos.

Uploading to Vimeo

When the user in question selects the option to upload, the Vimeo application will offer three possibilities. Load any file that is saved, record a certain video using the camera or even perform a live. Everything is super intuitive.

You will remember that to edit the profile in question, just click on the icon that is showing the thumbnail of your photo, the icon in question is located at the top of your screen on the right side. Now access the “view profile” menu. Be aware of the entire process.


On the next screen, the number of followers will be shown, as well as the videos that have been uploaded and will be displayed. If you want to make any changes, click on “edit profile”. Now it will be necessary for the user to configure the name he wants to use, as well as a brief description, and also choose his profile picture.

Is the platform worth using?

Well, the Vimeo platform, as well as its application, has grown exponentially over the last 3 years, exactly when fiber optic internet services were also made available en masse, that is, watching videos became much faster, and much easier. .

Directors, music video producers, as well as promoters of established artists and even new artists, have used the platform a lot, as watching a video with the Vimeo label has become a way of classifying quality content. The platform really stood out quickly.

Many common users also started to access the platform daily, in search of exclusive content, not only from artists, but from other segments. In this way, the platform became a reality among Brazilian users, whether they are common users, artists or producers.

Vimeo vs YouTube

This is really a big dogfight, given that YouTube is unbeatable, being the biggest video content platform for over a decade. Who would use took away the reign of YouTube? It really isn't about taking away YouTube's supremacy.


However, nothing prevents new companies, or platforms, or even applications from arriving on the world market, given that there is still a lot of room to be explored when it comes to competing for the attention of users on the internet, which is why Vimeo has arrived. and showed his truth.

The big tip is, use both platforms, of course if the user is a professional in the area, that is, a producer, a director, or even an artist looking for space, or even an advertising agency, the tip is always to use the YouTube, but it is good to pay special attention to the Vimeo platform.

How to download the app

If the user wants to use the features of the Vimeo application, just access its accredited application store, download, install and use. It is worth remembering that the application is available for both devices that use Android and devices that use the iOS system.

It is also possible to use the platform's tools directly on your computer, or on any device that has a "web browser" tool, so that the user can create his channel and customize it in the best way, as the screen is larger and more user-friendly. .

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