WhatsApp Business – Discover the App


Have you heard of the WhatsApp Business app? If you like to use normal WhatsApp and also use it for work, this could be a great opportunity for you to increase your professionalism and facilitate the way you communicate at work. It is not news to anyone that communication has always been present in our lives.

The human species has always used different ways to communicate and socialize with each other. O whatsapp business is one of the means of communication for workers that has stood out the most in recent times. But it wasn't always like that. Sign language and different forms of expression have always been present effectively.

However, as the species evolved, its means of communication also evolved and a good example of this is the whatsapp business. This can be considered one of the best and best evaluated applications today when we talk about virtual communication. If you want to understand a little more about the app, stay with us!

whatsapp business
WhatsApp Business (Google image)

WhatsApp Business – Difference 

Many people end up having doubts about the difference between normal WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business. The truth is that their difference is very easy to highlight. as to whether one is better than the other, the answer is, it depends. This is because both have different goals from each other.

Normal WhatsApp has direct communication as its main focus. With it, users are able to exchange different information, whether casually, formally, professionally or for any other purpose, such as study groups. This is not a platform designed for commerce, so resources in this regard are limited. 


WhatsApp Business, on the other hand, aims to provide assistance to users who have needs related to small businesses. This application is more focused on the commercial context and consequently offers different tools to facilitate and improve people's access to this type of resource for small businesses.

WhatsApp Business – App

WhatsApp Business for its users is a very interesting proposition when dealing with customers. If you have a small business and want to download the application to improve your service, you will definitely want to know if the application really works and delivers what it proposes. As soon as you enter the application, you will notice some features.

The first and simplest one, which at the same time makes the biggest difference of all, is that WhatsApp users can normally communicate with you without downloading WhatsApp Business. This makes communication much easier, as the client does not have to download a platform and register just to communicate. Just send or receive messages.

A point that also makes a big difference within this app is that you can better organize yourself as an entrepreneur and not as a casual user of the communication platform. In this way, you can organize contacts and conversations and even create automatic messages to have the best service for your customers, always being available.


The WhatsApp Business application brings many features to its users and this is what makes small business entrepreneurs interested in the platform. Those who have not yet downloaded the app due to doubts about whether or not this version of WhatsApp is worth downloading will have a great opportunity to decide. That's because we brought you a list of some possibilities that you will have within the application with its resources.

  • Possibility to organize your contacts and completely manage your interactions;
  • Option to generate automatic messages to always have a quality service with your customers;
  • Option to create a catalog where you offer your products or services;
  • You can manage your business profile and present yourself more professionally to your customers.

download and install 

By better understanding how WhatsApp Business works and what it offers its users, it is very common for people to rush to the to go down. But many WhatsApp users are usually left with some doubts that are perceived with great frequency. An example of these questions is, “Can I migrate to Whatsapp Business through the app?”.

The answer is no! Any link sent claiming to enable this option is not reliable. WhatsApp Business can be found legitimately and securely through the Google Play platform, which has been available on Android phones since their manufacture. To download the app, just enter this platform and search for the search bar at the top.

When you find this bar and search for the app you want to download, just interact with the install option and in a few moments you will be ready to use an application. In our blog you find information about different applications that can positively influence your life, be it personal or even professional. This thanks to the available categories

Good luck!