Whatsapp Groups – How to leave without anyone noticing


For users who are tired of being part of multiple whatsapp groups, be it work, college friends or even family, there is a way to leave the group without the organizers realizing it, because very often, we are inhibited from leaving the groups, because we think that the people in the group will judge us.

Normally, when we leave whatsapp groups, the application itself sends us an alert and this alert is invisible to the other participants of that group, that is, all the people in the group will know that you intentionally wanted to leave the group, in this case it could cause some inconvenience with the members of the group. group in question.

There are cases where users need to be part of whatsapp groups, however, they don't want to be bothered all the time with WhatsApp alerts, which keep telling them that a new message has arrived, and what's worse, we're often waiting for a work message, and it's just a message from a group without relevance.

whatsapp groups
Image: (Google) Whatsapp groups

How to leave whatsapp groups

The first big tip is to tell the truth, that's right, in many situations it is better for the user to leave the group and before leaving the group send a message explaining why he is leaving the group. Often the best reason to leave is to tell group members that you are at work and cannot be disturbed.

Another situation that happens a lot and which is also a good tip, if the group is not of interest to you, and you really don't need the group, just don't interact, don't chat, don't send photos and don't reply to messages, that way the user passes unnoticed, being able to leave the group without the users of the group noticing.


Another way of not being bothered by the huge number of messages, memes and audios, is for the user to use the tool available on WhatsApp entitled "silence group", in this way the user in question will not be notified when new messages are sent, over time, user in question will be able to leave the group and delete it.

Invite users to a WhatsApp group with QR code 

Although this function is a little hidden, it is very easy and fast to invite people, friends or even family members to join a certain group via QR code. The invitation with a QR code makes it much easier to disseminate it to your friends or even to third parties who are not your friends and who may have access to the group.

A valuable tip to be able to use this tool is to check if your WhatsApp application is updated to the latest version, as this tool is only available for the latest version of the application, if the user does not know if the application is up to date, just enter your app store and type ”WhatsApp”, and check if the app is up to date.

Once the user in question is sure that their application is up to date, just open the application in the normal way and then enter the desired group, then click on the icon that is represented by three dots, click on group data scroll down and click invite via QR code link.

When to use groups 

  • Well, first we need to understand the profile of the user in question, many people today really need to use groups to optimize their everyday tasks related to their work, or even in their personal life, nothing better than using technology to your advantage to facilitate the performance of its tasks.
  • However, there are users who create groups at all times, and for anything, in this case this action ends up disrupting the lives of many people who are working, studying or are still waiting for important answers via WhatsApp. In this case, WhatsApp groups become a tool that interferes with people's lives.
  • Now, if the user is already used to using groups in order to work and increase their income or even optimize their time, the tip is to only participate in groups that have this function, groups of friends and family end up taking our focus and attention at work in addition to filling the cell phone.

Is it safe to use groups? 

This is an answer that depends a lot on the groups the user is participating in. If the user in question is participating in a group of close friends, or even in a group of family members where all the participants in the group know each other, there is practically no risk, as these are extremely well-known people.


 Now if the user is participating in groups where he does not know the users participating in the group in question, or he was parachuted into a group through a number he does not know and never had any kind of conversation, the answer would be " YES” in this case the user is at risk.

There are still other cases, where the user starts to follow a certain person who ends up offering a course or a product or something like that, and for you to have more access it is necessary to join the group, in practice, it is very difficult for any threat to happen to the user in this case, however, you must be careful.

 How to download the current version of Whatsapp?

For users who want to download the newest version of WhatsApp, and have access to exclusive tools, it is necessary to download the new version of the application. For users of devices with Android system, it is necessary to go to the accredited store play store and type the word “WhatsApp”, then just download and install.

For users who use a cell phone with an iOS system, that is, users of the famous iPhones, just go to the accredited Apple Store, and then download and install the app, everything is very quick and easy to do, even beginner users can carry out the task successfully.

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