Where to buy NFT cryptocurrency – NFT the new world trend


You know where to buy NFT cryptocurrency? Did you know that NFT is a worldwide trend? Another important question, did you know that there are over 1,000 different cryptocurrencies today? This is a very vast subject, given that the vast majority of people have only heard of ”Bitcoin”, for example, which is the main cryptocurrency in the world.

It is true that everything is changing in the world and it could not be different with the financial system, considering that everything evolves into something bigger, if it were not for cryptocurrencies and NFT technology, we would still be practicing the very archaic and centennial financial system .

It is necessary to learn where to buy NFT cryptocurrency, to start working on this token market, especially non-fungible tokens, as is the case with NFT, for example, which is already a worldwide reality, where people are attaching tokens to anything, be it; photo, video or even a song.

Where to buy NFT cryptocurrency
Image: (Google) Where to buy NFT cryptocurrency

Where to buy NFT cryptocurrency – Valuable information

First, it is necessary to remember that the NFTs, arrived as a huge trend in the year 2021, with an overwhelming increase of 55% in direct sales, compared to the year 2020, which promises to be much greater in the year 2022, to give you an idea last year, 389 million dollars in non-fungible tokens were traded.

Anything can become exclusive after owning a token. It is more or less the same system for leasing cryptocurrencies, in the blockchain system, for example. To give you an idea, an adapted image of a frog, very famous as an internet meme, was linked to cryptoassets and tokens, thus becoming a unique piece with immeasurable value.


You can also create your own NFT, whether it's a song, an image, a video or a gif. It's all very simple to do, you don't need to be an expert in the crypto market. For you to create your first NFT, you need to choose a blockchain for your NFT to be issued. It is worth remembering that Ethereum is the most used blockchain for creating NFTs. However, there are other companies that offer this service.

Where to buy NFT cryptocurrency – Companies

  • Ethereum
  • binance
  • polkadot
  • Eos
  • Cosmos
  • solana
  • flow

Important informations

It is worth remembering that each blockchain has its own way of operating its tokens, as well as its digital wallets, among other services. If you create a non-fungible token on Binance, for example, you can only sell them to platforms that operate with other specific assets.

It is worth remembering that Ethereum is the largest blockchain when it comes to NFT, for you to create a token in this project, you will need a fully compatible wallet that supports the format "R721". You really need to be attentive to details, to do everything right.

Through the Ethereum platform, you can buy NFTs that interest you in dollars, or even create your own NFT, to be offered by this blockchain, when you already have a little Ethereum currency, you can already make the connection with the wallet digital, being able to transform any file into a non-fungible token, that is, into an NFT.

Market characteristics

It is necessary to understand that there are several NFT marketplaces where tokens are offered, therefore, it is necessary to understand how these marketplaces work. To start the process you need to have a digital wallet in one of them, like in "Opensea", for example.


Let's give an example of how it works at Opensea, just enter the platform and go to the "May Collection" option, there you can host your token by clicking on "Create a Collection", now you just have to upload the files you want to turn into an NFT.

It is worth remembering that any file you upload to the platform will be checked to see if there is nothing like it, because the tokens need to be unique and cannot be copies. Once this is done, you will already have your first NFT files, to be offered directly on your blockchain through your marketplaces.

How to invest in cryptocurrencies

The subject is very vast and would be the subject of several other articles, but some tips are important, it is first necessary to check if the NFT cryptocurrency is listed on major brokerages such as "Binance", for example, as this means that it is a serious project and that have support for growth.

There are people who invest in smaller projects at the very beginning, even before they are listed on major brokerages, however, this is a bit risky, especially if you are a beginner. For more information about the digital market, visit our apps category.

Good luck!