Who created the internet? Web history questions and answers


Did you ever stop to think, who created the internet? This is really a very special story, considering that the internet has really changed the world! Let's get to know the background, what was the origin of the internet and who was its creator. Stay with us in this article!

In the 80's, the precursor technology of the internet had already appeared, however, it only became a reality in Brazil, in the year of 1985. to the details.

Who created the internet? Firstly, we must understand that the internet as we know it today, emerged in 1989, and its creation is attributed to the enigmatic "Tim Berners-Lee". This was largely responsible for the beginning of the internet in the world. The guy really made the difference!

Who created the internet
Image: (Google) Who created the internet

Questions and answers. Who created the internet?

It should be noted that, in practice, the internet may be older, and its origin may have taken place in the 60s, when some experiments showed that it was totally possible to send and receive information between computers, even if they were at a distance.

However, it only came to develop more quickly, from the 80's, however, in Brazil the technology only really appears, after the year 1995, with the arrival of providers that boosted the whole process well. Creating internet commerce.


It all started in a very rudimentary way, and today in Brazil alone, there are already more than 134 million people accessing the world wide web, reaching 74% of the population of Brazil, counting from 10 years of age. We have really come a long way!

Who created the internet? Particularities 

The worldwide computer network, that is, the internet, as we know it today, depends on a wide range of technologies to function, in many cases, we do not even realize these technologies, which are many protocols and rules that establish the way that computers will exchange information.

It is worth remembering that there is the possibility of exchanging information through radio or through cables, the main developer of the protocols we use today was a man called "Vinton Cerf" and "Bob kahn", being the first time that the exchange of information occurred. between remote computers in 1969.

The protocols we use to access the internet on a daily basis, only emerged later in the 80's where "Vinton" and "Bob" finalized their majestic creation of the famous protocol called TCP-IP, which came with a very varied range standards, and on a much larger scale.

The History of the Protocols

In 1989, structures for these protocols began to be used, in this way, the famous "www" which means "world wide web" allows devices to access various internet addresses and also share data on the network. That was the real magic of the process!


In this way, the internet as we know it today was born, of course everything continues to evolve very quickly, with new tools, in addition to new technologies, in addition to super-fast transmission through optical fiber. We truly live in communications heaven.

What is most impressive about this story is that it all started back in the 60s when researchers managed to make the first transmission of information between computers, which was super difficult, but nowadays it is done in a super quiet and very fast way.

What does "world wide web" mean

This structure allows the exchange of information between computers, the "www" managed to open up a space for the internet to become more dynamic, and can be used by universities, even in registry offices or even in defense departments, to later reach homes.

In this way, through ”www”, it is possible to find the addresses of sites where information will be exchanged. In this way, with software called "browsers", users will always be able to find pages through their addresses. This task is super simple nowadays.

Without the famous ”www” it would not be possible to access any site, considering that it is the tool that has the devices and technology to interconnect computers. It really is impossible to imagine our life without this protocol, considering that everything evolved from there.

Internet in Brazil

The internet in our country is already very old, already in the mid-80s, cities in Brazil already had networks to connect to, however, educational institutions around the world were already working at full steam, the internet is just beginning to be consolidated in Brazil, from 1995 onwards.

Already in that year, Brazil began to create its own network, where the first providers began to appear, offering some access plans for users on a commercial basis, being able to pay monthly for the service. Thus was born the era of paid internet in our country.

For more information, or to find out about the greatest curiosities on the internet, visit our applications tab. Good luck!