Work on the internet posting ads


With the internet super present in our lives, more and more people have invested in this tool as a way to earn income and this is a very real possibility, although not everyone believes it is possible.

Well, after all, there are real possibilities for profits, yes, however, there are also some misleading promises, requiring some caution and, in other cases, people themselves may not have enough determination and focus and end up giving up before reaching their goals and profits.

And, one of the ways to make money online that has gained prominence is posting ads, after all, they are everywhere on the internet and it's impossible to get rid of them, isn't it? But do you know how to actually work on the internet by posting ads? We are going to “unravel” this universe, so stay here and you will find out.

work from home online (image: Google)

Making money on the internet by posting ads is really an excellent opportunity to profit and work online, however, you need to be careful, as there are sites and sites that you can trust or not.


For example, there are fake sites that promise huge monthly fees for those who add banners and advertising to their blog, but in reality they pay nothing.

There are still other sites that promise “real profits”, but the user has to pay a “membership fee” to enter the “program”. This is a very dangerous move and not highly recommended.

Especially when we consider that there are several other free, popular and recognized possibilities on the internet that give incredible results.

However, one of the first steps to earn money by posting ads is to join affiliate programs, but stay alert before joining and look for information about them, ok?

Now let's talk about the main and safest ways to work posting ads on the internet that generate great returns.

advertise on google


Everyone has heard of or accessed the blog at some point, which demonstrates the great reach and power of this platform, also becoming a great tool for posting ads.

On this platform, it is possible to advertise not only on blogs or partner sites, but also to add banners, videos and links.

In addition to being able to do this for free, seeking to use SEO strategies to have your ads better positioned, it is still possible to post paid ads on the platform, bringing more immediate returns.

Advertise on Facebook

Another giant platform for advertising is undoubtedly Facebook and it is possible to use free strategies such as likes, groups and pages, but also paid ads made available by the site itself.

Facebook ads are extremely easy to create, but the biggest challenge is reaching the target audience, as further study on audience segmentation is required for the ads to bring the expected return.

However, it is worth investing in posting ads on this platform, considering that it is one of the networks that most connects people and has thousands of users around the world.

In addition, many companies and entrepreneurs have already proven that it is indeed possible to earn a lot of money on the platform.

Advertise on social networks

Posting ads on social networks has also become a great opportunity to earn money on the internet, whether on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, etc.

It's much simpler and easier to make posts pointing to your affiliate program links on social networks and get rewarded when one of your followers and friends make a purchase by clicking on them.

Although social networks are an excellent strategy for working on the internet by posting ads, there are some downsides such as the fact that you end up annoying your friends if you post too many links or even end up becoming spam.

Now that you know some ways to work on the internet posting ads, you can use them as references to take your first steps in this business, however, don't just stick to them, as there are many other ways to profit on the web.

The secret of earning consistent profits and actually making this business your main source of income is to study the subject and always be learning about digital marketing strategies and digital market trends.

So, don't just limit yourself to the tips we've given here, use them as a north and move on. Good luck!