Youtube Kids Offline – Find out how to use it


Youtube Kids offline, a real ally for parents? We know that in today's times the circulation of information and entertainment is very dense, thus occurring an immense and tireless propagation of content. At the same time that this is a positive point due to the easy access to information, it is necessary to be more careful with children who access the internet. And that's exactly what led to the emergence of Youtube Kids.

Youtube Kids is a premium version of Youtube aimed at children, where the objective is to try to solve the problem of children's easy access to unwanted content. But what are these contents? Any programming classified as free, that is, the one in which exhibition is allowed at any time and for all audiences.

 Thus, Youtube Premium seeks to provide a healthy and controlled environment for these children. But this is a joint effort, as parents need to customize the platform's filters so that the content is properly filtered. If you're interested in this subject, don't worry, because I'll teach you how to use Youtube Kids offline in a simple and effective way.

Youtube Kids Offline
Youtube Kids (Google image)

Youtube Kids Offline – Benefits

But why use Youtube Kids offline? Taking into account the mobile data packages currently used in our country, most of the time watching videos and movies without a Wi-Fi connection is not very feasible. This is due to the fact that in a few hours or in a matter of minutes (according to your mobile data plan) your internet will come to an end, displaying the famous message “You used 100% of the daily internet and browsing has been interrupted”.

To get a better idea, let's compare the usage in GB(GigaBytes). The average mobile data usage of Brazilians per month is around 5GB, the world average reaches 11GB. To watch a movie on Netflix, an average spends 1GB per hour, in an SD image (standard definition), in HD (High definition) the expense rises to 3GB, while in Ultra HD (ultra high definition) consumption can reach 7GB/Hour.


With that, using Youtube Kids offline, your children will be able to watch the movies of the moment without consuming your mobile internet. And that's the golden tip: download the desired movie over a WI-FI network where data is unlimited, thus being able to watch movies, series and cartoons without an internet connection at any time. want to find out how? Just keep an eye on the steps that will come next.

Youtube Kids Offline – Ratings

Keep an eye on the age range indicated for the movies and series your children watch, thus allowing them to have a healthy experience. Because Youtube Kids Offline has no specific viewing time, you don't have to worry about it. However, the recommended age groups are still valid on the platform. Below is the national display rating scale:

  • Free (green symbol): Exhibition allowed at any time and to all audiences 
  • 10 years old (blue symbol): Not recommended for children under 10 years old and allowed to be shown at any time
  • 12 years old (yellow symbol): Not recommended for children under 12 years old and viewing allowed after 8 pm
  • 14 years old (orange symbol): Not recommended for children under 14 years old and viewing allowed from 9 pm
  • 16 years old (red symbol): Not recommended for children under 16 years old and viewing allowed from 22:00 hours
  • 18 years old (black symbol): Not recommended for people under 18 years old and viewing allowed from 23:00 hours

But what does it take?

The first step to be able to use Youtube Kids is to have access to the platform, so in this topic I will explain where to find the application and what is needed to access the content. This way you can download your videos for offline use without spending on your internet allowance.

Through the Google Play platform you will search for “Youtube Kids” and you just need to find and install it. Once installed, you will need to create an account with your Gmail and choose your password. We recommend that you create a password that varies between uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers, to ensure better security for your account.

Youtube Kids is a free platform, but to use it without ads and download videos, you need to get Youtube Premium. Along with these benefits, you can also use “Youtube Music Offline” and watch videos in the background, that is, your application will continue to transmit the videos without having to have it open in the foreground.


Step by step for offline use

With the application installed, internet access and your login completed, the first step will be to create a profile for the child. Then find the padlock symbol in the lower right corner. If you have already configured a password, use it to enter and then access “settings”. Now just enable the “offline videos” option. Once this is done, you will configure the storage space you want to use.

Choose between 15 minutes and 10 hours of content, thus ensuring that your device's memory doesn't run out untimely. Now choose the quality in which you want to download your videos, choosing between low quality (144p), medium 360p or high quality (720p). Remembering that higher image quality means giving up more storage. After that, in the main menu, look for the video you want to download, go to the menu indicated by 3 vertical dots and select “save offline”.

Ready! Now just go back to the beginning, go to the lock again and select “offline videos”, there you will find all your videos already downloaded. Just to remember, always opt for a security access, using only the application oficial available on Google Play. Do you like this type of content? In our blog, you can find several tutorials like this one, as well as several tips and other subjects.