Digital payment machine application: the solution for contactless payments


With the growing popularity of digital payments, many companies have invested in technologies that make consumers' lives easier.

One of these technologies is the digital payment machine, which allows customers to carry out financial transactions quickly and securely.

With the advancement of NFC (Near Field Communication) technology, this task can be carried out via cell phone, using a machine application.

The digital payment machine application is an innovative solution that allows small and medium-sized businesses to accept credit and debit card payments without needing a physical machine.


With NFC technology, the customer simply brings their cell phone close to the digital machine to carry out the transaction.

Furthermore, the application offers several features, such as sales control and inventory management, which make the entrepreneur's life easier.

With the popularization of smartphones, the number of people using payment machine applications has grown exponentially.

This technology is especially useful for entrepreneurs who work with external sales, such as street vendors and street vendors, who need a practical and secure solution for receiving payments.

With the digital payment machine application, it is possible to carry out transactions anywhere, without needing an internet connection.

Features and Benefits

When adopting a digital payment machine application, the user has access to several features and benefits that can help boost their business.


Below, some of the main advantages offered by these applications will be highlighted.

Payment Methods

With a digital payment machine application, it is possible to accept different payment methods, such as debit, credit, PIX, NFC, credit card, cash credit, installments, link,

QR code, tap to pay, digital and contactless wallets. This allows the customer to have more payment options and increases the chances of sales.

Advantages for Business

In addition to payment options, the digital payment machine application also offers advantages for the business, such as flexibility, practicality and financial management.

With these tools, it is possible to manage sales, have more control over finances and make the entrepreneur's day-to-day life easier.


Compatibility and Integration

Digital payment machine applications are compatible with various devices, such as Android, iPhone and smartphones in general.

Furthermore, many of them offer integration with social networks, online stores and other platforms, which makes selling and receiving payments easier.

Support and Security

Another advantage of digital payment machine applications is the support and security offered to users.

They have specialized service to answer questions and resolve problems, as well as security technologies to protect transactions and customer data.

Costs and Fees

The costs and fees charged by digital payment machine applications vary depending on the plan chosen and the features used.

It is important to check the conditions offered by each of them before choosing the most suitable option for your business.

Fintech Solutions

Many digital payment machine applications are developed by fintech companies, which offer innovative and differentiated financial solutions.

Some of them, such as InfinitePay and InfiniteTap, for example, offer a digital account, prepaid card, cashback and other features that can be useful for the entrepreneur.

Ease of Use

Digital payment machine applications are easy to use and configure, even for those who are not experienced with technology. They offer intuitive and simplified payment options, which makes life easier for both the customer and the entrepreneur.

Additional Plans and Services

Finally, digital payment machine applications offer a variety of additional plans and services, such as a fee calculator, corporate account,

e-commerce, bill insertion and approximation, transfer, card machines, mobile machine, mobile machine application, receipt in 30 days,

interest and other options that can be useful for different types of businesses.

In summary, digital payment machine applications offer a series of features and benefits that can help boost your business.

With varied payment options, specialized support, security, flexibility and ease of use, these applications are an interesting alternative for those looking for practicality and efficiency in receiving payments.

How to Choose the Best Option

When choosing a digital payment machine, it is important to consider several factors to ensure that the choice meets the business needs.

In this section, we will present some useful tips to help you choose the best option.

Market analysis

Before choosing a digital payment machine, it is important to analyze the market and evaluate the available options.

It is important to consider the acquisition cost, transaction fees, features offered, and customer support.

Identification of Business Needs

When choosing a digital payment machine, it is important to identify the needs of the business.

It is important to consider the type of business, the monthly revenue, whether it is a MEI or a company with a CNPJ, whether there is a need for credit in installments and whether a physical or just a virtual machine is needed.

Comparison between Machines

To choose the best digital payment machine, it is important to make a comparison between the available options.

It is important to evaluate transaction fees, features offered, customer support and acquisition cost.

Common questions

To clarify doubts about choosing a digital payment machine, it is important to consult the frequently asked questions provided by suppliers.

It is important to check if there is customer support and contact details in case of questions or problems.

By following these tips, you can choose the best digital payment machine for your business, ensuring a more efficient and secure sales process.
