Dental braces simulator app - See what you would look like


Dental braces simulator app? O que você acha? Será que existe um app para simular como ficaria os seus dentes com aparelho?  Ou melhor, será que se existir esse simulador, seria próximo da realidade? Vamos tratar ao longo desse artigo, de todos os detalhes fiquem conosco e tire todas as suas dúvidas sobre essa fantástica ferramenta.

Many Brazilians today need to wear braces, in order to correct their teeth, however, many people are afraid to put the braces on, as once placed it could harm their appearance, however, through a simulator, you will already be able to see how the result will remain.

Dental braces simulator app
Dental braces simulator app

Simulador de aparelho dentário App – Conheça o aplicativo

Vamos falar do aplicativo ”Brace yourself” trata-se de um dos melhores simuladores da atualidade quando o assunto é simular aparelhos dentários. Através dele, você pode testar mais de 30 modelos diferentes diretamente no seu iPhone. Você pode variar os bráquetes modificando totalmente como ficaria o seu sorriso.

The app is really fun too, because even people who don't need to use devices can do the simulation in the app, and best of all, you can post it directly on your social networks. In the case of this application in question, it is only available for IOS systems, that is, iPhones.

Simulador de aparelho dentário App – Braces Camera

With this application, you can also add various device models, that is, you can test different ways to play with your smile. It is worth remembering that there are more than 200 stickers, that is, stickers, for you to play with your friends.


Outro aplicativo bem legal, é um aplicativo chamado ”Aparelho dental”, com ele você pode escolher até mesmo a cor da borracha que vai no aparelho. No aplicativo, existe uma paleta de cores bem interessante, você pode testar vários bráquetes. Realmente é bem divertido usar esse aplicativo.

Tem um aplicativo chamado ”Braces Booth”, através desse aplicativo, você pode variar em até 100 modelos diferentes, desde os mais modernos, até os mais coloridos, o efeito fica bem realista, dessa forma você poderá ver certinho como você ficará de aparelho.

Advantages of the app

How do I know if I need braces?

This is a very simple question to answer, because, without a doubt, you need to go to the dentist to see how your teeth are doing, in order to know if there is any deviation so that he can indicate different types of appliances on the market in the country. present.

It is worth remembering that devices have become fashionable in recent times and many people have given a push to use the device, however, it is necessary to emphasize that a real medical indication is needed, because if you do not need it, it is really not worth using. a device just for the sake of fashion.

There really are people who look very elegant with braces, however, you have to remember that braces take a lot of work, whether to clean your teeth, or to get used to a foreign object in your teeth, it really takes a lot of people to adapt.

How to download an app to test dental appliances

If you have an indication, you can suggest to your dentist the device you want, however, the model and application only he can speak. There are apps that are just for iPhones, and others that are for both Android and iPhones.


For more information about technology and great apps, visit our apps tab! It is worth remembering that it is possible to have a lot of fun with these applications, however, they are only for you to play with or even to get an idea of how you would look with the device.

Good luck!