Voter Title App – How to have the digital title on your cell phone


Have you ever thought about making your life easier at election time to get your title? Today, we'll show you why voter registration app manages to make everything easier for you! If you are a Brazilian citizen aged 18 or over, you need to get your voter registration card. For those who want to return before the age of 16, it is already possible. After making your title, there is a tip that can make your life a lot easier.

We all know that having an original printed document is very important. However, at the same time, it is extremely uncomfortable to walk around with important documents one way and the other. In addition, some documents may not fit the size of your pocket or wallet, which makes carrying them even more unpleasant in your daily life.

With regard to voter registration, in particular, there is the voter registration app, which seeks to make this transportation much easier for you. Allowing you to always have your title updated in a completely virtual way. And the most interesting thing is that this app has government validation. This makes your security guaranteed when browsing the app.

Voter Title App
Voter Title App (Google image)

Voter Title App – What is the e-Title

To understand how the voter title app works you will need to understand what the e-title is and what a voter title is. Starting with the voter registration card, we can briefly say that this is a document made to prove that a Brazilian citizen is registered in the country's electoral justice. This registration shows that the citizen is able to exercise his right as a voter.

A printed document records the name of the voter, the date he was born, the municipality where he registered, the federative unit and the details of where the citizen will vote. The zone and polling station where he must go on polling day are recorded. Now that you know what the voter title is, understanding the title is much easier. This is due to this application which is simply a virtual version of the title.


This application is designed for cell phones and tablets so that voters can carry their document without having to carry the printed version around. This is a very advantageous option for several reasons. If you lose your wallet or it is stolen, for example, your document is not at risk of loss. In addition, as the cell phone is with us at all times, you will always have your voter ID with you.

Voter Title App – As fake news

As we are talking about the voter registration app, it is extremely important that we explain what fake news is and how to protect yourself from it. Fake News is a term that has been used a lot lately with different people to indicate fake news. In order to understand better, it is necessary to think about what information we receive in our daily lives. An example of this is WhatsApp sharing.

It's not uncommon to see news being shared wildly through social networks and conversation apps. They often propagate false news, which aims to deceive and manipulate the population. This is something very worrying because it can end people's lives and even influence elections. Have you ever heard that news about a candidate was false in order to harm him?

This is a very common type of fake news that negatively influences people's lives, elections and their results. It is always more interesting to be faithful to the reality of the information. Propagating fake news can be considered a crime. So if you've already spread some fake news without understanding the importance of checking your sources, it's interesting to start seeing where the news you receive comes from.

Information available in your e-Title

Now that you've seen how interesting the voter registration app is to make your day-to-day life easier in relation to carrying your voter registration, understanding what this application can provide you with is much easier. So, to give you a better idea of what you'll have in your hands with the app, we've decided to list the data you'll have or download this virtual version of your title.

  • Voter's name;
  • Date of birth;
  • Enrollment number;
  • Zone;
  • Section;
  • Municipality / State;
  • Date of issue;
  • Signature or fingerprint of the voter.

Where to find and download the app safely

Upon discovering how much app voter registration helps in everyday life for carrying this document, most people usually download it right away. We, from Curious Look decided to bring an explanation of how to find and download this application safely. Making sure you can use this benefit without any problem, if you want.

For this to be possible, it is important to first check if your device is compatible with the application. It is necessary to have internal storage for the application files to be downloaded. In addition, for the installation to be carried out, you must have a device with an Android version equal to or greater than the required one.

To find the app, just search for it on the Google Play platform through the search bar. Below the title of the application you will see an option to install it. If you are interested in discovering and benefiting from different proposals like this one, know that in our blog We always seek to bring current information to you.

Have a nice day everyone and good luck!