Applying for retirement online – Submitting the application online is very simple


Who can apply for retirement online? That's right, for people who already have the basic requirements to enter the retirement process, through the National Institute of Social Security, that is the famous "INSS", they can send the documentation online.

The first big tip is to check if your national register of social information, called "CNIS", for that, just download the application called "Meu INSS", to know all the details related to contributions and jobs and also the collections of the wages, and if everything is there with the correct values.

This process needs to be done before apply for retirement online, because in this way the taxpayer will be able to check through his physical work card, with the data that is in the application or on the government platform. It is attention to compare them.

apply for retirement online
Image: (Google) Apply for retirement online

How to apply for retirement online through "My INSS"

First, the insured person must enter the "My INSS" website or download the application that is available for both Android and IOS, if he already has a registration, just click on "Enter", if this is the first time he is accessing the platform you need to register your login and password.

To access an account, just put the "CPF" and click "next", then you will be asked for your password for you to have access to the platform, then you need to click on request retirement. Everything is very intuitive, and the platform is very well done.


Right after that, it is possible to choose the retirement that the insured person will request, and whether it will be by age, rural, by contribution or even by disability, it is worth remembering that if the insured person requests a retirement that is of one type, however, the other offer more advantages, he will always be entitled to a greater benefit.

Registering – How to apply for retirement online

Then the INSS system will request the registration data, for this it is necessary to click on update, if everything is duly completed and revised, just click on "Next", now it is necessary to choose again which type of retirement you want, click on the desired option and click on ”Select”.

Once again, the platform will ask to update the data, at this time, the system can also show the insured person the exact contribution time he has, if he does not want to look at the contribution time, click on "Next". Pay attention to data compliance.

The platform will inform you that "the taxpayer will be able to request their retirement without leaving home", just click on "Next". Now the platform will enter a questionnaire with several questions. In this case, it is necessary to answer with “yes” or “no” to each question.

Step by step 

Soon after, your personal data appeared, at this moment it is necessary to check all the information and it is also necessary to inform if you want to follow the entire process of the retirement request through “My INSS”. Now report again if you are receiving death benefit.


Then, on the next page, the insured person can attach the documents that meet the requirements to be entitled to retire. It is also possible to attach your personal documents, to finish the attachment process, just click on the "+" sign and follow the instructions, then click on "next".

At that moment, the system will show all the companies that the person has worked for and their contributions. If there is any wrong information, the user can correct it by clicking on the "pencil" icon, it is also possible to delete wrong data by clicking on the trash can. If you want to add something that is not on the list, just click on the ”+” icon and add an activity.

Finalizing the registration

At that moment, a message will appear saying that the insured declares that all the information informed in the registration is true, just click on "Confirm". The next step now is to choose the INSS agency that you want to start the process, just inform the zip code through the address, click on ”Next”.

It is worth remembering that it is important to inform the INSS agency closest to your residence, as this is the agency that will take care of your benefit. Then just choose where you will receive the benefit, in which case you can do a search by neighborhood. Everything is well explained on the platform.

At the end, the system will show the summary, just read everything carefully and if everything is duly completed and correct, click on the option "I declare that I have read and agree with the information above" and then click on "Next". After this step, you will have access to your voucher, you must keep this protocol.

Retirement application by phone

According to the INSS itself, it is possible to apply for retirement by other means as well, in addition to doing it through the website, or through the application, policyholders can request their retirement through the telephone number 135, it is worth remembering that the services work from Monday to Saturday with well-defined schedules; from 7 am to 10 pm, based on Brasilia time.

The pandemic really forced government bodies to accelerate their digital inclusion processes, because as it is no longer possible to gather, all things need to be resolved online, in a way the process has become more practical. The idea is to make it less bureaucratic too.

If you already have the right to retire, and do not have the necessary knowledge to complete all the fillings on the INSS platforms, it is possible to do it over the phone, however, it is also possible to hire specialists for this or even a close relative who knows operate well in the digital world. Access our apps category. Good luck!