Competition Questions Application: Study in a practical and efficient way


Public competitions are one of the main ways to enter the public service. However, to be approved, you need to study hard and be prepared to answer questions from different areas of knowledge.

To make studying and preparing for competitions easier, many candidates use competition question apps.

These applications offer a wide variety of questions from different areas of knowledge, allowing candidates to test their knowledge and prepare for test day.

Additionally, many applications offer features such as simulations, performance rankings and history of questions answered, which can help the candidate identify their difficulties and prepare more efficiently.

With the growing popularity of public exams and the ease of access to technology, exam question applications have become an important tool for candidates who want to prepare efficiently and increase their chances of approval.


Contest Questions Apps Overview

Competitive exam question apps are a convenient and affordable option for those who want to prepare for a civil service exam.

They offer a variety of features such as practice tests, multiple choice questions, and feedback on correct answers.

Got it right: Competition Questions

Acertoi is a competition questions application that offers more than 800,000 questions from different areas, including law, administration and IT.

It also offers personalized practice tests and detailed feedback on correct answers.

Furthermore, Acertei has a friendly and intuitive interface, making preparing for the contest easier and more enjoyable.

Gran Questions | Competitions

Gran Questões is another popular competition questions application, offering more than 50 thousand questions from different areas.


It also offers personalized practice tests and detailed feedback on correct answers.

Gran Questões stands out for its active community of users, who share tips and strategies for doing well in public exams.

This makes the app a great option for those who want to connect with other candidates and get support during their preparation.

In summary, competitive exam questions apps are a convenient and affordable option for those who want to prepare for a civil service exam.

With features like personalized practice tests and feedback on correct answers, they help users prepare effectively and connect with other candidates.

Features and Benefits

Competition question apps are useful tools for those who are preparing for a test and need to practice exercises.

Below, some of the features and benefits of the applications from the companies Estilo Concursos, Tec Concursos and Gran Cursos Online will be presented.

Competition Strategy

The company Estilo Concursos offers an application with more than 20 thousand public tender questions.

The user can choose questions by discipline, panel, position or subject. Furthermore, the application allows the user to create personalized simulations, choosing the number of questions and the time to answer each one.

The user can also monitor their performance on the questions asked and compare it with other users.

Tec Concursos

The Tec Concursos application has more than 10 thousand public competition questions, with daily updates.

The user can choose questions by discipline, panel or position. The application also offers personalized simulations, allowing the user to choose the number of questions and the time to answer each one.

Furthermore, the application has a ranking system, which allows the user to compare their performance with other users.

Great Online Courses

The Gran Cursos Online application offers more than 15 thousand public exam questions, with daily updates.

The user can choose questions by discipline, panel, position or subject. The application also allows the user to create personalized simulations, choosing the number of questions and the time to answer each one.

Furthermore, the application has a ranking system, which allows the user to compare their performance with other users.

The application also offers video lessons and study materials to complement the user's preparation.

In short, competition question apps offer a series of features and benefits for those preparing for a test.

With them, you can practice exercises, create personalized simulations, monitor your performance and compare it with other users.

The companies Estilo Concursos, Tec Concursos and Gran Cursos Online are some of the options available on the market.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
about Competition Questions Application

How to calculate calories?

To calculate calories, it is important to know the amount of calories in each food and the amount consumed. Multiplying the amount of food by the amount of calories per serving gives the total calories.

What is the best app to count calories?

There are several options available on the market, such as MyFitnessPal, Lifesum and FatSecret. Choosing the best app depends on personal preferences and desired features.

How many calories are in cheese bread?

A small cheese bread usually contains an average of 80-100 calories, depending on the size and specific ingredients.

How many calories are in salt bread?

A medium loaf of bread has approximately 150-200 calories, but the exact amount may vary depending on the size and ingredients.

How many calories are in a hamburger?

The number of calories in a burger can vary significantly based on size, type of meat, sides, and sauces. On average, a simple hamburger can contain