Apps to withdraw FGTS 2024: Discover the best options for withdrawals


The Service Time Guarantee Fund (FGTS) is a right of Brazilian workers that guarantees them a financial reserve for times of difficulty, such as losing their job. In 2024, there are several application options that make it easier to consult and withdraw the FGTS.

With the popularization of smartphones, applications have become an indispensable tool in people's lives. And in the case of FGTS, it is no different.

There are apps that allow workers to check their balance, make withdrawals and even transfer money to a bank account of their choice. This makes the process faster and more practical, avoiding queues and bureaucracy.

If you are a worker who wants to make it easier to withdraw your FGTS, know that there are several application options available on the market.


Some of them are offered by the banks themselves, while others are created by companies specializing in financial services. With a quick search in your smartphone's app store, you can find the option that best suits your needs.

How to Use Applications to Withdraw FGTS in 2024

With the advancement of technology, Brazilian workers have increasingly more options to access and manage their labor rights. Among them, the Service Time Guarantee Fund (FGTS) is one of the most important.

For those who want to withdraw the FGTS in 2024, there are several applications available, which facilitate the process and offer more convenience and security.

CAIXA Trabalhador and the FGTS

One of the best-known options is the CAIXA Trabalhador application, which allows workers to consult information about the FGTS, such as balance, statement and withdrawal calendar. Furthermore, it is possible to request a withdrawal directly through the application, without having to go to a Caixa Econômica Federal branch.

To use the application, the worker must download it for free from their smartphone's application store, log in with their CPF and password, and follow the instructions to access the FGTS information and request the withdrawal.

CAIXA Has: Access to FGTS

Another option is the CAIXA Tem application, which was launched in 2020 to facilitate access to various Caixa Econômica Federal services, including the FGTS. The application allows workers to check their FGTS balance, request a withdrawal and monitor the status of the request.


In addition, CAIXA Tem offers other features, such as transfers, payments, cell phone recharge and access to social programs, such as Bolsa Família and Auxílio Emergencial. The app is available for free in your smartphone's app store.

With these applications, workers have greater ease and agility in accessing and managing their FGTS, without having to face queues and bureaucracy at a Caixa Econômica Federal branch.

It is important to remember that, to withdraw the FGTS, it is necessary to follow the rules established by Caixa, such as the withdrawal calendar and the necessary documents.

Step by Step for FGTS Digital Withdrawal

FGTS withdrawals can be made digitally, through the official Caixa Econômica Federal application. To do this, you need to follow some simple steps that will be presented below.

Registration in the Digital Work Card

Antes de realizar o saque do FGTS pelo aplicativo, é necessário ter a Carteira de Trabalho Digital. Para isso, o trabalhador deve baixar o aplicativo “Carteira de Trabalho Digital” em seu celular, disponível gratuitamente na App Store e no Google Play.


After downloading the application, the worker must register, providing their CPF, full name, date of birth and cell phone number. You will then need to create an access password.

With the Digital Work Card in hand, the worker will be able to withdraw the FGTS through the Caixa Econômica Federal application.

FGTS Withdrawal Process Through the Application

To withdraw FGTS through the application, the worker must follow the following steps:

  1. Baixar o aplicativo “FGTS” em seu celular, disponível gratuitamente na App Store e no Google Play.
  2. Log in to the application, providing your CPF and registered password.
  3. Na tela inicial do aplicativo, selecionar a opção “Saque FGTS”.
  4. Read and agree to the terms and conditions presented.
  5. Inform the amount to be withdrawn and the destination bank account.
  6. Confirm the operation.

The withdrawal amount will be credited to the informed bank account within 5 business days. It is important to remember that the FGTS withdrawal can only be carried out in specific situations, such as unfair dismissal, retirement, serious illnesses, among others.
