Basic computer course with certificate - See how to do it for free


Have you ever thought of making one? basic computer course with certificate completely free? If this is a subject that interests you, today is your lucky day! Nowadays there are two things that have been developing and proving to be more and more necessary. One of them is technology. These that have been advancing and changing more and more are very present in our daily lives.

Being necessary for our personal use and in the work area. And this is exactly our second point to talk about. In the labor market, technologies are essential. Contributing or even being the basis of the jobs offered. There are several examples of sectors that cannot do without computers, for example. Whether for text production, stock control and much more.

Nowadays, having a degree to have knowledge in the area of informatics is no longer something that stands out, but rather necessary to be on an equal footing with other people interested in a job vacancy. For those who wish to have this training, there is a great option on the market. GYN Online Courses offers a basic computer course with certificate completely free of charge. 

basic computer course with certificate
Basic computer course with certificate (Google image)

Curso de informática básica com certificado – Para que serve

The computer course, as said before, will make you ready to dive into the job market on an equal basis with competitors from different positions. This basic computer course with certificate can make a big difference in your professional and personal life. For in different areas and moments of your life he will be present.

There are some points that show the importance of having a training in the area of informatics. Mainly taking into account having a certificate that will bring you the differential in your resume. Which brings us to the first point, which is the opportunities given in the job market. In addition, the security you have when surfing the internet changes completely when you have knowledge about what you are doing. 


It also helps a lot in the practicality of its use in any sector. Making you better adapt to any job vacancy and even optimism and your day to day tasks in your personal life. The most interesting thing about this course offered is that it is completely free and virtual, which helps a lot with regard to people's accessibility to such studies.

Curso de informática básica com certificado – O que aprender

In this basic computer course with certificate, different modules are offered where the student can attend classes completely online. The classes in question are recorded on video and are available for access at any time. This way of seeing the classes helps a lot those who don't have time or can't travel to attend the classes in person.

Here it also helps those who have difficulty in learning computers. Being able to pause, come back and watch as many times as necessary to internalize the knowledge passed in class. Among the modules initially made available, knowledge about Windows is offered. For example, how to move around the area and handle files.

But don't think that you will only learn about how to use the computer and its system. It is also a module that brings knowledge about the internet itself. Teaching, for example, how to navigate and use different online resources. Plus, you'll also leave knowing all about email knowledge. Which is quite important and interesting to have domain.

main contents 

In this basic computer course with certificate, students will learn the basics very thoroughly. Thus making the learning structure firm enough to go to the most advanced levels. Thinking about clarifying what is part of this basic level, we decided to clearly list some of the main contents that will be covered.

– Tela Iniciar, Busca, Ligar e Desligar o computador no Windows


– Tamanho dos arquivos e propriedades da pasta no Windows

– Alterações de configuração do ambiente no Windows

– Navegadores e conceitos de navegação na WEB

– Recursos Avançados de navegação

– Navegação na Internet com segurança

– Enviar arquivos grandes por email usando a Nuvem

– Como tratar o SPAM ou lixo eletrônico no Outlook

– Criar uma conta no Gmail

How to find this course online 

As you can see, this course of basic informatics with certificate brings the basics to its students in a very complete way. Making the structure for learning more advanced knowledge solid. Allowing students the possibility not only to compete for job openings as equals, but also to stand out.

Those interested in the course must have a device compatible with the video lecture format. Be it cell phone, computer or notebook. To find the course is very simple. through a browser of your choice, just look for the GYN Cursos Online website. 

This, which is a platform with different courses, allows its users to learn different things completely free of charge. If you are interested in this article, know that the curious look you find much more. Being able to stay on top of different subjects in addition to getting to know you about apps, games and even job openings.

Good luck!