Applications that Change Voice – How to download


Have you ever watched movies where we see one person calling another with a deeper voice? Or that television program where the interviewee changes his voice to remain anonymous?

Well, today we are going to talk about two voice changer apps, super interesting that perform these functions in a very easy way!

This article will address the voice changer apps “VoiceFX” and the “voice of the narrator”. Both have the same purpose, which is to change your voice, but they present two different and interesting proposals. I'm sure both apps will entertain you as you would like!

With these voice changer apps, you have a powerful tool in your hands. It can be used in several ways. One example is “pranks”. It is possible to play a prank on your friends, providing a good laugh.

Or use your voice when presenting a work. This increases the dynamics of your presentation.


Voice changer apps – VoiceFX

VoiceFX is one of the best voice-changing applications, as it has an effects system.

This way, you can always discover and use new effects in your voice. It is very common for this application to be used to play pranks or record videos. It is very common to see digital influencers using it.

Additionally, you can use this application to stream live. Not limited to VoiceFX, but being able to stream on other media players and browsers.

It is even possible to record a video singing, as among the effects available, there is also autotune. Thus achieving superior sound quality.

VoiceFx, in addition to your voice, can change the voice of already recorded songs. Using the application, you can use your music files to perform various tests with your favorite song.


It's a good tool for those who like to edit and modify the sound of famous songs. It's no wonder that it's one of the best voice-changing apps. 

Voice changer apps – Narrator voice

Another of the best apps for changing your voice is “Narrator Voice”. The idea here is the possibility of using different voices, instead of your own.

In 2016, the application was awarded by Google in the category of best applications. But this is no coincidence, as “Voz de narrator” has an incredible 372 voices, and the number is only increasing!

But don't think that it is inferior to VoiceFX, as it has the ability to create effects for your voice.

Remembering that this is not a competition. The intention is to present two incredible applications. And both are secure in their positions, as both have good feedback from their users.

Another reason why “Voz do Narrator” is one of the best apps for changing your voice is its various possible languages. So you don't have to limit yourself to just one language. Don't worry about this diversity, as your language will not be left aside.

Contrary to what one might imagine, there is enormous attention to Brazilian voices. Having several famous voices, such as the voice of “Jabiraca”, “Jabiroquinho”, “Cururu”, among others.

Application benefits

Both tools are among the best voice changing apps on Google Play. Both very complete, being able to meet your expectations and needs.

If you have any doubts, downloading both is not a bad idea. What's more, both are free to download. The following are the strengths of these applications:

  • Voice modifier;
  • Wide variety of effects;
  • Frequent updates;
  • Possibility to save audios;
  • Possibility of live streaming;
  • Autotune;
  • Voice modification in songs;
  • Variety of languages ;
  • No text limit;
  • Works offline;
  • Easy sharing with social networks;
  • PDF image for ceilings;
  • Support for voices created with artificial intelligence;
  • Voices with neural networks;
  • 24-hour support for users;
  • More than 372 different voices.

How to download best voice changer apps

Downloading both voice changer apps is not a difficult task. both are available on Google Play, a platform that ensures your safety when downloading them.

Remembering that both applications are very complete, but the combination of the two is sensational!

To obtain the applications, you must first have a cell phone with enough internal storage and Android 4.1 or higher for VoiceFX.

Narrator's voice requires at least Android 5.1. Once you are on Google Play, simply search for the names of the applications and find the option to install. Once done, enjoy!

If you like tips like these, you're in the right place. At the curious look we have covered several applications like these.

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