Investments - Learn how to invest easily with these applications


To do investments well done, it is of paramount importance for us to succeed, that is, to make a profit, that is why it is necessary to have a basic knowledge in this universe so that we can invest with total security, like everything nowadays, the investment market has also gained its digital version.

Existem aplicativos que auxiliam usuários a  fazer investments in a totally secure way, bearing in mind that the user in question already has at least a basic knowledge in this area, or even some experience in the current investment markets. It's worth remembering that we need to take care of our finances.

formerly, do  investments com sucesso, para muitos usuários, era um verdadeiro mundo obscuro, pois a grande maioria precisava  de agências, corretoras, ou ainda uma dica do gerente da sua instituição financeira preferida, dessa forma o usuário ficava muito limitado, e dependendo de uma série de pessoas para fazer seus investimentos.

Image: (Google) Investments

Apps for making investments

Even if the user in question has never made any kind of investment, there are applications that promise success, despite the lack of experience in the area, since the great news in this market is that technology, in addition to helping, performs the service without the need for brokers.

O primeiro aplicativo em que vamos falar, é o aplicativo “Rico investimentos” essa com certeza é a plataforma melhor avaliada atualmente no mercado. O aplicativo auxilia os clientes a terem sua independência financeira, tudo de forma rápida e fácil, praticamente sem nenhuma burocracia, além de oferecer uma gama variada de produtos.


Another relevant feature is that there is no administration fee, the app even allows opening an account for underage users, simply indicating the person most responsible for carrying out this action. It is also possible to monitor your investment portfolio in real time, with all the details of each application made by the user.

Other Investment apps


Como esse mercado vem crescendo de forma veemente no Brasil, a cada dia que passa, vem surgindo novas instituições para esse nicho de mercado. A plataforma ModalMais é uma dessas novidades do mercado nacional, trata-se de uma corretora que já opera nos mercados de capitais desde o ano de 2003, no entanto, a plataforma só bombou no último ano.

Warren é uma plataforma muito interessante também, qualquer pessoa comum pode começar a investir através da plataforma, independente de ser investidor experiente ou não. A plataforma disponibiliza vários perfis de comportamento além de mostrar mais de 30 perfis que podem ser de risco.

Tap Monetus offers its clients specialized services in investment management, which are included in this package in addition to asset acquisition analysis processes. Another important information is that you don't need to be a millionaire to start your investments, you can start investing with just r$ 100.

Is it safe to invest online?

Well, this is a very relevant issue when starting to invest on the internet, that is, making investments completely online, especially for users over 55 who have a strong reservation about making investments online, because in addition to not knowing the tool makes it insecure to enter the virtual environment.

Now, already in the age group under 45, investors are in greater numbers, in addition to being more daring in their applications, as they know the virtual environment well, and many started making their investments over a decade ago. It is worth remembering that with each passing day the security protocols of digital financial institutions are improved.


The most concrete answer to this question is that it is very safe, yes, to make investments completely online, but it is necessary to research the tool well, in addition to researching the applications well, and to start having at least basic knowledge in the area of investments so that you do not have unwanted surprises.

How to download app or use platforms

Para usuários que interessar em fazer investimentos totalmente online, primeiramente é preciso entrar no site da plataforma em questão, em caso de usuários que queiram fazer investimentos através do computador, ou ainda baixar o aplicativo para começar seus  respectivos investimentos.

In the case of users who want to make investments through the applications, just enter your accredited virtual store, and type in the search field the name of the institution you want to start making your investments, it is worth remembering that the vast majority of platforms in the applications are available for Android and for iOS systems.

For more information on exclusive applications, or to better understand the digital tools in today's market, visit our apps category and stay on top of all the best. Good luck!