Learn how to consult CPF online for free


Being negative is a problem that many people go through when trying to apply, among other things. In addition, there are companies that do not accept hiring people who have debts and negative names.

But even those who have a clean name may have a low score to make credit applications authorized.

You can check your CPF and credit score online for free. This consultation allows the consumer to know if there are debts in his name. That is, when a customer does not pay his debts for a certain period of time, his name is placed among the restricted ones.

Consumers are not always aware that the name is dirty, as the debt may come from a service that they had no idea was still active or with a debt balance. That's why it's always important to consult the CPF a few times and make sure there are no pending issues in your name.

In addition to the SPC, there is also Serasa, which allows you to make an appointment online for free. For this it is necessary toaccess the Serasa Consumer website, select the option “Check your CPF now” and register to be able to login to the Serasa website.


If there are restrictions on the name, it will appear who the creditor is in order to carry out a negotiation. However, if you do not have any debt, a message will appear indicating this.

When there are debts

During access to the site, the creditor will appear. Since Serasa is often willing to carry out an intermediation in the negotiation. If this is not offered, the person can contact the company to say that he saw the name and learned about the debt and how he can settle it. If an agreement is reached, the name will be removed from the list of defaulters when the first payment is made.


A person's score helps show companies if they are a good payer. This is important, because when financial institutions accept credit or pay in installments a certain amount, they accept the risk of that person not returning the amount. A high score shows that the customer is trustworthy.


The Score value is measured from 0 to 1000, where the higher the score, the more reliable it will appear. The score score can change as changes occur in a person's finances.

Those who have 800 points are considered excellent payers, however if a certain account is late, the score can go up to 750. But, the payment, too, can be paid with and the score increases to 830.

To check the Score, just do the same login as the CPF query, which will show a message indicating whether there is debt or not, next to a green graph.

Inside it is the number 1000, where the reliability score line is in green. On the side will appear the phrase “The chance of you paying your bills is” and an evaluation. 

make your Register on the website of Serasa: serasa.com.br/consultar-meu-cpf

Serasa consumer application 

The app is available for free download at app store  (for devices with iOS operating system) and in the Google play (for Android devices).