Free computer course - How to enroll


Have you ever been interested or even thought about doing a free computer course through the Internet? To say that nowadays technology is part of our lives is even nonsense. What was once accessible to a few has become something difficult to escape. But do not think that this is meant in a bad way.

Quite the opposite. These technologies available in this free computer course are what shape us as a society today. And what makes our lives somehow more agile. Leaving the general context going to the work area, knowing how to handle these new technologies has become essential for a good career. 

So much for those who want to specialize in the area or even need some knowledge for a sector that flirts with these learning needs. And don't think that the action present in this free computer course it will be present only against the background of a room with computers. But she is also in big factories, for example. Because nowadays most of them automate their productions.

free computer course
Free computer course (Google image)

Curso de informática gratuito – Mais detalhes

In this course you will learn different things. This goes from the basics to deeper knowledge. Being both learning necessary for the daily life of the worker. And that's why the broad way in which this free computer course offers information has great advantages.

This course, although well organized, does not require students to commit to a specific time. Those who write in the course will have access to the materials used for the studies. Making it possible to study at any chosen time of the day. Furthermore, although it is recommended that an order of teaching be followed, this is not an inflexible requirement.


During the course you will also learn about the material part of the computer. By this we mean your parts. Like graphics cards, processors, cases, coolers and much more. This course will definitely contribute to your learning. In addition to also making your resume richer.

how to enroll 

For meet a página deste curso, primeiro é preciso acessar o navegador de seu telefone ou computador. Estão, lembrando que por estar disponível em um site, é preciso internet para o acessar. Ao entrar no navegador procure por “Prime Cursos – Curso de Informática Básica Online Grátis” utilizando a barra de pesquisas.

When you find the site you may be registering for this free computer course. After following the steps indicated by them, you will already be able to access the material for your studies. In addition, the site has several other courses. This is because it works as a Prime Cursos platform that focuses on providing professional courses online.

If you are still not sure which course you want to take or are interested in some other course, in our blog you may be meeting and discovering many others like this one. In the curious look we have several categories for you. Providing information about course openings, job vacancies, general tips, interesting applications and much more. 

Happy studying and have a great day!