How to register with Brasil Sorridente and take care of your oral health without spending money


Taking care of your oral health is much easier with Brasil Sorridente 2024. Have you ever thought about this possibility?

Taking care of your oral health is of great importance. Not only referring to aesthetic issues, but also the health of your mouth and body.

It is interesting to say that this can be the cause of different problems in the body. So it's always good to keep your eyes open.

Possuir um Brasil Sorridente 2024 can help many people. This is a very important help in the accounts at the end of the month. Managing to save money and receive quality treatment.

And the most interesting thing is that the treatment is available through the Ministry of Health. At the secretariat of primary mental health care (SAPS). 


This national oral health policy came to add up. Giving possibilities to many people who previously did not have access to this Brasil Sorridente 2024. And thanks to SUS (Unified Health System) this is possible.

Which makes it easier to use this benefit. It can be found in health posts, mobile dental units and so on.

Brasil Sorridente 2024 – Saúde Bucal

According to studies, oral health is something related to the health of the rest of the body. In the same way that it is close to the body, it can also positively or negatively influence our health as a whole.

That's why maintaining hygienic conditions in your mouth is extremely important. Being important to avoid big problems.

Thoroughly cleaning your mouth during the day is essential. And to give you an idea of the importance of this, an unhealthy mouth can even lead to diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Mesmo para aqueles que gozam de um Brasil Sorridente, é de suma importância ficar atento. Desta forma caso venha a acontecer alguma enfermidade você conseguirá perceber.


A very important tip about mouth hygiene is to keep it regular and complete. Flossing and brushing your teeth after every meal can make a difference.

Also taking into account the time. Being important to do a good brushing before bed and as soon as we wake up in the morning. Leaving your breath good and praising the health of your mouth.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about Dentistry in the SUS

  1. How does a dental implant work through the SUS?
    The Unified Health System (SUS) offers free dental implants in some specific cases, such as for patients with special needs, mouth cancer or who have suffered trauma that resulted in the loss of teeth. The procedure is carried out in Dental Specialty Centers (CEOs) or in university hospitals. To gain access, it is necessary to undergo a dental assessment at SUS, which will refer the patient to appropriate treatment if they meet the criteria.
  2. How does dental care work in the SUS?
    Dental care in the SUS is offered in Basic Health Units (UBS) and Dental Specialty Centers (CEOs). Patients should look for the UBS closest to their home to schedule an appointment. After the initial assessment, the dentist can perform basic treatments or refer the patient to specialized services at CEOs, if necessary.
  3. What procedures does the SUS dentist perform?
    The SUS dentist performs a variety of procedures, including:
  1. What does SUS cover in dentistry?
    SUS offers a wide range of dental services, including:
  1. What does the Brasil Sorridente program offer?
    The Brasil Sorridente program is a federal government initiative to promote the population's oral health. He offers:
  1. Who can participate in Brasil Sorridente?
    All Brazilian citizens have the right to participate in the Brasil Sorridente program. To access the services, it is necessary to look for the nearest Basic Health Unit (UBS) or a Dental Specialties Center (CEO) to carry out an assessment and receive a referral to the treatments available in the program.