Gas Aid 2024: Government program for Brazilian families


Auxílio Gás 2024 is a federal government social program that aims to help low-income families have access to cooking gas. The program is a continuation of Vale Gás 2024, which was launched in 2023 as an emergency measure to help families during the COVID-19 pandemic.

With Gas Aid 2024, beneficiary families receive a monthly amount to purchase a cooking gas cylinder. The program is an important measure to combat poverty and hunger, as many families are unable to afford the high cost of cooking gas.

The Vale Gás 2024 Guide is an important tool for families who receive the Auxílio Gás 2024. With it, you can find the closest places to purchase cooking gas at a discount.

The Guide also offers safety tips when handling gas and information on consumer rights.


How to Access Gas Aid

Gas Aid is a benefit granted by the government to help low-income families buy cooking gas cylinders. To access this benefit in 2024, you need to follow a few simple steps.

Vale Gás: Gas Assistance Consultation

The first step to accessing Gas Aid is to check whether you are entitled to the benefit. To do this, you can consult Vale Gás, which is the program that grants the aid. The query can be made on the official Vale Gás website, where you can check whether your name is on the list of beneficiaries.

Consultation Assistance Vale Gás Guide

After checking whether you are entitled to Gas Aid, you need to know how to receive the benefit.

To do this, you can consult the Vale Gás Aid Guide, which contains all the necessary information about the benefit, including how to register, how to receive the benefit card and how to use the card to buy the gas cylinder.

Furthermore, it is important to remember that Gas Aid is a temporary benefit and can be suspended at any time, if the government decides to interrupt the program.

Therefore, it is essential to use the benefit consciously and responsibly, so that it can help improve the quality of life of families who need it most.


Eligibility and Procedures for Aid

Auxílio Gás 2024 is a social program that aims to provide financial assistance for the purchase of cooking gas cylinders for low-income families. To be eligible for the program, you must meet certain criteria.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for Gas Aid 2024, the candidate must meet the following criteria:

  • Be resident in Brazil;
  • Have a per capita monthly income of up to half the minimum wage;
  • Be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico);
  • Do not have any other benefit from the federal government, such as Bolsa Família.

Procedures for Requesting Aid

To request Gas Aid 2024, the candidate must follow the following procedures:

  1. Check if you meet the eligibility criteria;
  2. Access the official Auxílio Gás 2024 website and fill out the request form;
  3. Wait for the request to be analyzed by the Ministry of Citizenship;
  4. If the request is approved, the beneficiary will receive a card that can be used to purchase gas cylinders at accredited establishments.

It is important to highlight that Auxílio Gás 2024 is not cumulative with other federal government social programs, such as Vale Gás 2024. If the beneficiary already receives another benefit, he or she must choose which one he or she wishes to receive.

For more information about Auxílio Gás 2024, consult the Vale Gás 2024 Guide or access the Auxílio Gás Gás Guia consultation page.
