App to play guitar: learn fast with this app


Today, “download app to play guitar” is one of the terms most used by people when searching the internet. We noticed that the interest in musical instruments has grown.

And if you don't know how to download an app to play the guitar, you'll find out in this article today. We know that learning to play the guitar is a dream for many people. So we made this content to help you!

And, why do you need to download app to play guitar? Because it makes it easier for you, because you can learn to play from anywhere you are. All you need is a cell phone or PC.

guitar playing app
App to play guitar (Google image)

Thanks to technology, we can download apps to play the guitar

Learning to play the guitar is not as difficult as it seems, but it takes some daily effort and determination to do so. Learning to play a musical instrument is one of the most rewarding things.

Fortunately, thanks to the advancement of technology nowadays, you can download a guitar app and start learning whenever you want. Which can be very comfortable for you!


Even if you are a beginner, these apps are available for Android and iOS, so with them you can advance your learning, feel more confident, or more comfortable with your guitar.

Download app to play guitar: see the best

You can download an application to play the guitar very conveniently, as these Apps help to accelerate your learning process. If you can't afford a music teacher, it's your turn! Follow!

Among the best, for you to know, we can mention these: the real guitar; the perfect ear; Guitar Tuna; smartChord; Metronome; Justin Guitar; Yousician, Andy Guitar, among others.

Here then you will see the characteristics of some, which we have selected for you. Regardless of your experience level, the important thing is to download the best one, like the one below.

Discover the Real Guitar app

Many prefer to go to Youtube when learning to change a new musical instrument. But know that, not today, there is only this path, because you download an application to play the guitar.

We can mention some applications like Real Guitar that simulates a guitar. You can simulate acoustic and electric guitars through it and you can do this on tablets or other devices.


It has track loops for you to play, it even has a recording mode and, if you want, you can export to MP3. Which means you can create songs and record them at other times.

Discover the Perfect Ear app

It has a simple interface and is very intuitive to learn and play, although it is not specific to guitar playing. But he is considered by experts as perfect for playing the guitar too.

Perfect ear or Perfect ear as it may be called, has dozens of exercises for you to train your skill, in scales, chords and rhythms for you to be more stimulated in the new skill.

In it, you will find instructor for reading, vision and singing options. If you're one of those people who have trouble distinguishing tones, you'll have to download an app to play the guitar, like this one.

Meet Guitar Tuna: learn fast with this app

There are many very good apps, but this one is the best. With it, you can handle bass, violin, others such as cello and some other popular ones. It supports hundreds of different tunings.

In it, when pressing the guitar string, the App listens with the microphone of the device you are using and shows you which note the sound is at that moment being marked or recorded.

If you're looking to download an app to play the guitar, this is definitely the best one. Many musicians come to recommend him, due to the above and for other reasons as well.

Guitar Tuna: see how to download the best app

Now it's time to learn to download app to play guitar: Guitar Tuna, the best app for many experts. The good thing is that it is available for iOS and Android. Well, isn't it?


Finally, here's how to download an application to play the guitar, whenever you want, wherever you are, and with much more security so that you can learn to play the instrument.

Now that you know all this information, download the best app and start playing the guitar today and rock playing for your friends and family!

And, visit our website for more articles like this one. Every day we have new content for you to expand your knowledge!