HBO max - HBO streaming arrives in Brazil


The trendy arrives in Brazil hbo max streaming hbo, this is really the big news in the world of streaming. Streaming platforms that offer their users movies, series and documentaries are growing every day, and new options are emerging in this promising market.

hbo max streaming hbo, was already expected by most users of streaming platforms, considering the expression that the company already has in the world entertainment market. With all this movement in the world of streaming, it is the end user who wins.

Some users question the use of platforms such as hbo max streaming hbo, Netflix, Amazon, Disney Club among other paid platforms. Users argue that there are free platforms that offer content along the same lines as paid platforms. But is the service the same?

hbo max streaming hbo
Image: (Google) Hbo max streaming hbo

HBO max streaming hbo with Friends

Realmente a chegada do streaming da Warner contará com muitas produções originais e também com séries de sucesso, entre elas podemos citar a série “Game of Thrones” ou ainda “Gossip Girls”. A chegada da plataforma no Brasil, está prevista para o mês de junho deste ano.

It is worth remembering that Warner has already been operating in the United States, with a very robust collection of both successful series and films. What we can see in the streaming market around the world is that this is a strong trend for major film producers; migrate to streaming platforms.


Para usuários que querem saber a data precisa de lançamento da plataforma no Brasil, infelizmente a data exata não foi comunicada, apenas foi divulgado que o serviço estará disponível no Brasil no final do mês de junho do corrente ano. O serviço de streaming da Warner, vai substituir o atual intitulado “hbo.go”.

Will hbo max be expensive?

Bem, Em relação ao preço que se pagará por assinatura, para utilizar os serviços da plataforma da Warner, podemos dizer que ficará dentro do patamar que já existe nesse mercado, para você ter uma ideia, ”HBO Go” custa por volta de r$ 34,90 pagos de forma mensal e o usuário ainda tem direito a usar uma semana de forma gratuita.

Já em terras norte-americanas, o serviço da ”HBO Max” custa por volta de $14,99 pagos também de forma mensal, esse valor dá direito ao usuário o máximo de 3 transmissões de forma simultânea. Vale lembrar que esse valor apesar de estar dentro dos padrões do mercado, é mais caro, por exemplo, do que assinar a Netflix.

HBO is really leveraging its services, and spreading its entire structure around the world, as the expectation for the year 2021 is that the service will start operating in 38 more countries from Latin America or the Caribbean. There is an expectation that all films released in theaters by Warner would be made available simultaneously.

Movies and series offered by HBO

Indeed, the platform's catalog is very relevant, however, the platform has not yet released the complete content that will be released in Brazil, only mentioning some content that will certainly be present on the platform, such as:

The platform also released some well-known titles:


original series

A empresa já divulgou em seu vídeo oficial, que as principais séries originais HBO, estarão presente no serviço oferecido no Brasil. São elas: Westworld, The Undoing,  Watchmen, Sucession,  Euphoria, Game of Thrones, Família Soprando, Senhor Ávila, o Negócio, Sex and the City. 

Além das séries originais HBO, a plataforma que vai começar a operar no Brasil no final do mês de junho, também oferece séries originais HBO Max. São elas: The Flight Attendant, Asesino del Ouvido, Jl,  Raised by Wolves e Love Life. Realmente a quantidade de conteúdo de séries originais, é bem robusta e relevante.

It is worth remembering that currently the original series has been one of the main requirements when the user chooses the platform to which he will subscribe, considering that in the last 3 years the series have exploded and become a worldwide craze, even older users are no longer watch your soap operas to watch series.

How to access the platform

Well, if the user wants to use Warner's streaming services, he will have to hold on to the anxiety in question, and wait for the official launch of the platform and the application in our country. The company's expectation is that by the end of June the platform will already be working as well as its application.

Once the platform is properly functioning, most likely the process will be the same as that of its competitors, such as Netflix and Amazon, for example, the user only having to download and install the application through its accredited application store, and then choose a plan of signature.

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