How to do professional makeup


Makeup is an enhancer of our authentic beauty and not a carnival tool. Makeup should be radiant and luminous, especially to show off flawless skin and sharp features without looking like you have a single speck of product on top.

Clean and hydrated skin

Se você pensar em pular essa etapa de vez em quando, não faça isso é muito importante limpar bem a pele.  Maquiagem numa pele suja e desidratada é uma má ideia para a integridade do órgão. Procure dedicar um tempo na sua rotina a essas duas etapas, que levarão poucos minutos, mas contribuirão muito.

Brighten your skin before

Although it is a non-mandatory step, it will make your skin look much more luminous and hydrated. For this, life has given us illuminating pre-bases, which are used before makeup base.


Elas criam uma luz tão poderosa que é vista através do resto dos produtos que você coloca nela. Se você tem pele oleosa, pode pular esta etapa, mas se seca no verão e você quer um rosto ‘brilhante’, esse é o creme.

BB cream

Since they became fashionable, thanks to the powerful flow of Korean beauty that entered our lives, many of us have neglected the classic makeup foundation.

BB cream is a product that takes care of your skin. The secret is that you choose something light and fresh for different times of the year. It will cover up your imperfections and even out your tone without realizing it looks like you have an ounce of the product.


Ocultar olheiras é um passo importante para obter o efeito desejado de ‘boa cara’ nesse caso, mas tenha cuidado para não usar mal o corretivo.  Uma olheira deve ser coberta com uma cor que neutralize a sua. Estamos acostumados a usar tons mais claros do que a nossa pele, mas o efeito guaxinim não é legal.


Perfect skin without imperfections

Once you've made all the relevant corrections, being very careful not to go overboard with the amounts, it's time to add color to this face. The good thing is that for this make-up you will not need eyeshadows or eye pencils: with the bronzer and the highlighter we will do everything.

tan and highlighter

The sun's rays are essential in summer to improve tanning. In makeup, we will add light at strategic points with an illuminator. Also, both products will suit our eyes.

We'll apply powders in the crease of the eyelid to add depth and color, and then we'll give small touches in the middle of the movable eyelid with the finger impregnated with highlighter.

eyelash moment

We all know that the effect that good eyelashes give to the appearance is practically miraculous. Therefore, although we do not abuse the values, we will apply a small dose of mascara. Forget layering and layering, just rub lightly and give the look a darker touch.


Paint your lips the closest color to your mouth, but if you want something different, try it.