How to make money on Pix for free - Free Trial


Pix is a quick and easy way to transfer money between bank accounts in Brazil. Since its launch in November 2020, Pix has become a popular option for sending and receiving money.

However, many people still don't know that it is possible to make money on Pix for free. There are several ways to earn money on Pix without spending anything.

One of these ways is through cashback programs offered by some financial institutions.

When using Pix to make purchases at partner stores, the user can receive a percentage of the amount spent back.

Another way is to participate in promotions and sweepstakes offered by companies that use Pix as a payment method.


In this article, we will explore some of the most popular ways to make money on Pix without spending anything.

The aim is to help users make the most of the advantages offered by this form of money transfer.

With some simple tips, you can save money and even earn extra money using Pix.

Legitimate Ways to Make Money on Pix

Making money on Pix may seem like a difficult task, but there are some legitimate ways to achieve this goal. In this section, we will present two options that can help increase your income.

Receive Pix Watching

One of the ways to earn money on Pix is through Receive Pix Watching. This program allows you to watch ads and receive Pix in return. It's a simple and easy way to earn money without having to leave home.

To participate, simply register for the program and start watching the ads. For each ad watched, you will receive a value in Pix. The more ads you watch, the higher the amount you will receive.


Pix Roulette

Another way to make money on Pix is through Pix Roulette. This game works like roulette, in which you bet an amount and hope that the wheel stops on your number.

If this happens, you will receive the amount you bet multiplied by a factor determined by the game.

Pix Roulette is a fun and exciting way to make money on Pix. However, it is important to remember that this is a game of chance and that you need to be careful not to bet more than you can afford to lose.

In summary, Receive Pix Watching and Roulette Pix are two legitimate ways to make money on Pix. Both offer interesting opportunities for those who want to increase their income in a simple and easy way.

Applications and Games to Profit with Pix

If you're looking for ways to make money with Pix, there are some apps and games that can help you profit from this new instant payments technology.

PixQuiz – Earn Money on Pix

PixQuiz is a quiz app that lets you earn money by answering Pix-related questions.

The app is free to download and use, and you can earn money by answering questions correctly.

To start using PixQuiz, simply download the app from your mobile device's app store.

After downloading the app, you can create an account and start answering questions related to Pix.

Each question you answer correctly will earn you points, which can be exchanged for real money.

DailyGift: Earn Reward

DailyGift is an app that lets you earn money by doing simple tasks like watching videos, downloading apps and games, and taking surveys.

The app is free to download and use, and you can earn money by completing these tasks. To start using DailyGift, simply download the app from your mobile device's app store.

After downloading the app, you can create an account and start performing tasks to earn money.

Each task you successfully complete will earn you points, which can be exchanged for real money. With these apps and games, you can earn money using Pix in an easy and fun way.

Remember to always check the reputation and security of these apps before using them and never share your personal or banking information with third parties.