Application to watch Free Movies and Series


Today, we're going to tackle the Plex tv live. A streaming platform that is pure entertainment with free software. If you want to find out everything about Plex tv live, below we will bring a complete content about it.

But first you have to understand; what is streaming? Streaming is nothing more than the flow of media, be it continuous, fast or medium. Bringing it to a simpler understanding, it is a form of digital distribution.

An example of a streaming platform is Plex TV itself, which like other platforms uses online services. In the world of streaming, it is very common for websites to offer their services to distribute multimedia content, including their own production.

Plex tv live
Live Plex TV (Google image)

Like for example series and movies. As Plex tv live, you can find different contents. Great titles are in the application and can be organized by the app itself.

Além de organizar, também é possível encontrar recomendações. Sendo elas próximas ao seu gosto. Também se pode conferir algumas “descobertas”, onde você acessa vários temas, que costumam acabar te surpreendendo.


Music on Plex TV live

In addition to movies and series on Plex TV live, you can organize your music. Don't worry about the format of your files, Plex TV has a huge number of supported files. This includes formats that are not lossy, such as “FLAC”. 

Do you already know TIDAL? Tidal is a digital music distribution service, also found alongside live Plex TV. In it, after choosing a plan and registering, you will have access to more than 50 million songs. And it's not just any app! Tidal was launched in October 2014. Since then, it has been strengthening its name and improving its service to the public.

If you want access to these thousands of songs in premium quality, as well as music videos and own productions, you can! On the live Plex TV platform itself, it is possible to listen to music via streaming. Songs made available by Tidal. There is also the possibility of listening to these tracks for free. This is because of the 30 days free trial offered by the company.

Live Plex TV and its gallery

Se você pensou que as funções do Plex TV ao vivo tinham acabado, devo dizer que se enganou. Plex conta com a função de organizar suas fotos e vídeos. Com essa função é possível organizar seus arquivos de diversas formas. Para aqueles que não gostam de usar a nuvem, aqui vem outra boa notícia. Não é preciso mandar seus arquivos para nuvem, pois no próprio Plex você tem esse suporte de armazenamento.

This organization resource has a refined recognition of objects and scenes. This way you can avoid a dense job when trying to separate your photos. With this tool you will find your photos separated by the most varied characteristics. Examples of this are landscapes, the environment, sports, children, among others.

Plus, you can adjust your tags through Plex by moving them around, removing them, or adding new ones. There is also GPS support, where you can analyze the location of the photos, to know where it was taken. It goes without saying that your photos will also be organized by date. So the travel collections, for example, can be seen following this chronological order.


Functions and points to use

Plex TV live, has several features. Its main focus is the transmission of media in streaming format. Below are the functions present in the application:

How to download

Downloading is not a difficult task. As usual at Olhar Curioso, a link to the official page from Plex TV live. Thus enabling a safe download for our readers. Already in the new tab, you will notice the option “Plex Media Server” to choose the platform you use. Once selected, the “download” button will be available on the right of your screen.

Live Plex TV has a great support team. It is possible to find the contact channel on the website used for download. There you can be assisted, having technical support at your disposal. But that's not something you should worry about too much. Because it is an old platform on the market, it is difficult to find errors during use.

But that is not all. In case you are affected or notice any bugs, there is a bounty policy present in live Plex TV. Because they take security very seriously, anyone who finds a risk or potential risk to security or sensitive data will be rewarded. Those who find a previously unknown bug will receive a free lifetime subscription as a way of saying thank you.

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