Control point - Auxiliary app for business management


Do you own a company and want to make a check Point of employees? With the application that we bring you today, it will certainly be much easier to have a broader control of your business. For your company to run smoothly, it is important that all sectors work properly. Along with its development, hiring is common as demand grows.

There have always been different ways of controlling the working day. That's because it's interesting for both sides that the schedules agree. More archaic methods until little present in all establishments. With the life of technologies came the check Point. But this tool was not always so practical in this control.

Nowadays this process can be done digitally through your own cell phone. The arrival of applications for phones has revolutionized the way work is recorded. If you want to find out how this works and how much easier this tool can make your life at the company, just follow the information we brought!

Check Point
Point control (Google image)

Point Control – What is it? 

First of all, it is of great importance that we understand what point control really is. Time attendance is a way that companies have adopted to register their employees' working time. When a company is in place, a routine is created and schedules are established so that employees can work.

Times are defined when employees will enter the company to start their activities and also the time they will end their shift. Along with this time that the worker has served, the amounts paid for his services are analyzed. This is because there are worthy values defined to seek exercised in the company. 


As a worker's right to receive at least the minimum wage designated for their function. In this way also being benefited, as it ensures that the working hours have been fulfilled.

Point control - Application 

This time tracking application stands out because of its user-friendly interface. Due to the variety of age groups and ease of handling applications, the platform focused a lot on this simplicity of use. Not just thinking about it, but also trying to optimize the time people spend clocking in to start their workday.

This time difference that the platform speeds up for its users is something that makes a big difference at the end of the day and week. This is because when we consider our travel time to arrive at the service and the moment to finish the tasks, we soon understand that hitting the clock later also means leaving the company a few moments later than expected.

In addition, Tangerine also makes managing documents easier. Also functioning as a tool to improve the admission method in the company. Upon entering the platform, it is already possible to see the options to register and start putting into practice the management of your company's points.

Some rules 

According to the CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws) there are some laws when clocking in at our work that must be respected. Many people who are starting to work now, or even end up finding themselves in a situation they had not yet experienced, did not understand what is involved in situations involving the recording of their hours worked. To bring a little more of this notion of rights and duties, we decided to bring a list with some important information regarding point control.

  • It is mandatory to register the employee's working hours in companies with more than 20 employees.
  • Points can be recorded by manual marking, for example, in writing, in addition to mechanical marking, such as by cards and also electronic marking, such as digital markings;
  • It is necessary to schedule overtime worked, so that the employee does not exceed the hours allowed by law.


This one application seeks to bring safety and quality to its users. For an application to be able to do point control, we know that it cannot be just anyone, much less be downloaded anywhere. That's why this app is available on one of the safest platforms these days when it comes to downloading apps.

Provided by the company Google itself, the Google Play platform is one of the most accessed and most reliable, being ideal for you to download your point control application. but for this to be possible, it is very important to have a phone that is capable of supporting this process of downloading files when installing the app.

If you have compatible hardware and enough internal storage, you can use the search bar to find the app and then install it. Spending just a few moments for this. For meet other applications that will help you when it comes to ingesting your company, browsing through our content categories and seeing the ones that most have to do with your management style.

Good job and great management to all!