Tsunami in Bahia – Volcano capable of generating large waves goes on alert


The eruption of the volcano can generate waves of more than 4 meters high, causing a Tsunami in Bahia that would destroy parts of Salvador and other states.

In the early hours of Wednesday to Thursday today, September 16, a volcano on the African continent reached the yellow alert level. The Cumbre Vieja Volcano is located in the Canary Islands, relatively far away, but it is worrying oceanographers in our country because it can cause a Tsunami in Bahia.

The possibility of a Tsunami in Bahia on account of the volcano Cumbre Vieja is small, but real and needs the attention of specialists. The eruption of a volcano has 4 alert states. 

The Volcano located on the African continent is still at level 2, but if it advances it could be a danger for residents of the Northeast coast, here in Brazil. Level 3 already means an imminent danger of an eruption. Already level 4, the last level, is when the eruption is already happening and there is no way to be remedied.

Tsunami in Bahia (image taken from Google)

Alert level change

The volcano has undergone alterations since Saturday (11/09) and a significant increase in seismic movements, that is, earthquakes, has been detected. Therefore the alert level was changed from 1 to 2.

In addition, the depth of the epicenters of the tremors has decreased. It would be common for these tremors to occur at a depth of 30 km, but on Thursday (14th) alone, there were more than 100 tremors at a depth of 1 km. According to PEVOLCA (Plan de Emergencias Volcánicas de Canarias).

PEVOLCA states that more tremors are expected in the coming days, and that the process may have a rapid evolution in a short period of time.

A video shows the simulation of the Tsunamis:

Tsunami in Bahia

One of the biggest risks of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano is that if it erupts, the shock wave would cause tsunamis that hit the entire Atlantic. Brazil, the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico would be the hardest hit.

After the eruption of the Volcano in the Canary Islands, the waves would reach the Brazilian Northeast in less than 7 hours, and the most destroyed place would be in Bahia. According to professor at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Carlos Teixeira, this is the most real chance of a Tsunami in Bahia.


Preparation needs to be carried out well in advance in case of a tsunami, otherwise the population would not have time to evacuate the area. A wave of 4 to 5 meters, for example, would destroy Cidade Baixa in Salvador. This is because it is a narrow coastal plain, thus putting neighborhoods like Bonfim and Calçada in serious danger.
